Closed Bug 140346 Opened 23 years ago Closed 9 years ago

focus stealing tracking bug


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: contact2009, Unassigned)


(Depends on 15 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

This tracking bug will focus on focus stealing. Bug 88810 is the tracking bug for focus stealing related to windows. This bug will track that bug, and track all other focus issues, such as those related to dialog boxes and others. This is in part prompted by a bugzilla search for "focus steal" today, which found 13 open bugs.
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 66097, 86533, 90919, 117174, 122765
Does anyone know if bug 71895 could have anything to do with this? Please add and subtract bugs from the dependency list as appropriate.
Depends on: 76621
Depends on: 87592, 120529, 137565
Assignee: chofmann → xah
Depends on: 135851
Depends on: 137015
Depends on: 71899
Focus stealing back again on RC1, build 2002042806
adding bug 138029 - "unminimized windows don't have focus on document"
Depends on: 138029
Depends on: 112337
Depends on: 26882
No longer depends on: 125589
No longer depends on: 124750
No longer depends on: 112337
No longer depends on: 97014
No longer depends on: 115870
Bug 55416 covers location bar focus issues. Bug 83552 covers tabbing/navigation issues. Those bugs block this bug.
Depends on: focusnav, 124579
Target Milestone: --- → Future
No longer depends on: 148273
Depends on: 125282
Blocks: 55416, focusnav
No longer depends on: 37638, 55416, focusnav
No longer blocks: 55416
Depends on: 164339
No longer blocks: focusnav
Depends on: 55416, focusnav
Depends on: 170206
It would appear from my own experiences and a post on the Mozilla forums that this focus problem is back! It isn't happening much and I cannot remember what triggers it. Anyone noticing this?
Depends on: 33732
Depends on: 189571
Depends on: 142183
I no longer have time to maintain. If anyone is intereted in taking it, please assign it to yourself. If there is no longer interest in this, we can resolve it as invalid.
Assignee: xah → nobody
This bug should not go 'invalid'. I still have problems with the scrollbar (Bug 35191).
Depends on: 124192
Depends on: 157776
No longer depends on: 140082
Depends on: 103197
No longer depends on: 189571
No longer depends on: 66097
Depends on: 124750
Depends on: 229007
Depends on: 230719
Depends on: 232083
Depends on: 238543
Depends on: 237317
Depends on: 245989
Depends on: 238112
Depends on: 251877
Depends on: 253228
Depends on: 254894
Should 199999 be added to the depends on list?
Depends on: 272867
Depends on: 273092
Depends on: 274747
Depends on: 299677
Depends on: 310825
Depends on: 270749
Depends on: 358897
Blocks: focusnav
No longer depends on: focusnav
Depends on: 59314
No longer depends on: 229007, 237317, 270749, 272867, 274747
Depends on: 406167
No longer depends on: 406167
Woa... This list is bigger than I thinked... Is it possible to fix them until deadline?
Flags: blocking1.9?
Don't request blocking on meta bugs. If you want to request blocking, do it on the individual bugs.
Flags: blocking1.9?
On individual? They're so duplicated, I think... Ok, many INVALIDs and WORKFORMEs.
Yay! One closed :D .
Depends on: 178324
Depends on: 163103
No longer blocks: 565544
Depends on: 629412
howdy y'all, would someone consider adding these two bugs? 775400 – external links sent to firefox cause firefox to steal focus - 541923 – focus problem invoking firefox with createprocess - take care, lee
Marking all tracking bugs which haven't been updated since 2014 as INCOMPLETE. If this bug is still relevant, please reopen it and move it into a bugzilla component related to the work being tracked. The Core: Tracking component will no longer be used.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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