Bug 20641
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
[BETA]Crash scrolling through Standalone in IM
(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P1)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: scalkins, Assigned: alecf)
Mac build 1999-12-02-12 M12
Win build 1999-12-02-11 M12
Linux build 1999-12-02-08 M12
All platforms:
This is somewhat difficult to reproduce, but it happens on all platforms today.
Steps to repro:
1)Launch Seamonkey and login to IM via Tasks-->IM.
2) When standalone comes up, drag it to the right of your screen.
3)In Standalone, open all groups in List Setup Tab (causing Vertical scrollbar
to appear)
3)Scroll through the List Setup tab (move tack to top, then to bottom of scroll
4)Click on Online tab and scroll thru it in the same fashion.
5)Move MyPanels tab up to the top of the standalone till the buddy list above it
is gone (Vertical scroll bar there disappears). Let go of mouse button.
6) Now click and drag it the MyPanels tab back down again so you can see the
buddy list above it in the Buddy List tab.
5)Scroll through the List Setup and Online tabs again the same way you did in
steps 3 and 4.
Actual result: You will crash
Macsbug log follows:
MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98
PowerPC unmapped memory exception at 3F800000
2-Dec-1999 2:55:00 PM (since boot = 13 minutes)
Current application is “Netscape”
Machine = 67 (PowerMac9500), System $0851, sysu = $01008000
ROM version $077D, $28F1, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000)
VM is on; paging is currently safe
NIL^ = $FFC10000
Stack space used = +58810098
Address 3F800000 is not in RAM or ROM
PowerPC 604 Registers
PC = 3F800000 CR 0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 1000 0100 1000
LR = 06954D78 <>=O XEVO
CTR = 3F800000
MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count
Int = 0 XER 001 00 00 MQ = 42000828
R0 = 3F800000 R8 = 00000001 R16 = 00000000 R24 = 038CF954
SP = 03425550 R9 = 00000008 R17 = 00000000 R25 = 02775A44
TOC = 00000000 R10 = 00000020 R18 = 00000000 R26 = 0275129C
R3 = 02775F58 R11 = 0023149C R19 = 00000000 R27 = 03425834
R4 = 03425630 R12 = 02CF40C8 R20 = 00000000 R28 = 034256EC
R5 = 00000000 R13 = 00000000 R21 = 00000000 R29 = 02775F58
R6 = 00000001 R14 = 00000000 R22 = 00000000 R30 = 00000000
R7 = 00000001 R15 = 00000000 R23 = 00000000 R31 = 00000000
Unable to access that address
Heap zones
#1 Mod 6611K 00002800 to 0067772F SysZone^
#2 Mod 6K 0000A1E0 to 0000BD7F ROM read-only zone
#3 Mod 51908K 00677730 to 03928A9F Process Manager zone
#4 Mod 11801K 028537E0 to 033D9EDF “Netscape” ApplZone^ TheZone^
#5 Mod 2493K 03425FF0 to 036956EF “Netscape AOL Instant Messenger”
#6 Mod 18K 036E73E0 to 036EBC9F
#7 Mod 942K 037021C0 to 037EDCBF “Finder”
#8 Mod 83K 03802550 to 0381744F “Time Synchronizer”
#9 Mod 361K 03825CE0 to 038803DF “Folder Actions”
#10 Mod 89K 038D0F90 to 038E768F “Control Strip Extension”
#11 Mod 2047K 03C00000 to 03DFFFDF
#12 Mod 144K 03C61370 to 03C8536F
#13 Mod 27K 03CE9450 to 03CF017F
Checking all heaps
The System heap at 00002800 is ok
The ROM read-only heap at 0000A1E0 is ok
The Process Manager heap at 00677730 is ok
The “Netscape” heap at 028537E0 is ok
The “Netscape AOL Instant Messenger” heap at 03425FF0 is ok
The heap at 036E73E0 is ok
The “Finder” heap at 037021C0 is ok
The “Time Synchronizer” heap at 03802550 is ok
The “Folder Actions” heap at 03825CE0 is ok
The “Control Strip Extension” heap at 038D0F90 is ok
Totaling the “Netscape” heap at 028537E0
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 00C0 #192 00301830 #3151920
Nonrelocatable 00D2 #210 0076A51C #7775516
Relocatable 099E #2462 0011A970 #1157488
Locked 0051 #81 0009A6A0 #632480
Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0
Heap size 0B30 #2864 00B866BC #12084924
The target heap is the System heap at 00002800
Totaling the System heap at 00002800
Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes
Free 0021 #33 00004000 #16384
Nonrelocatable 07FD #2045 003217DC #3282908
Relocatable 072B #1835 0034F710 #3471120
Locked 0189 #393 00282FA0 #2633632
Purgeable and not locked 0064 #100 0003C010 #245776
Heap size 0F49 #3913 00674EEC #6770412
The target heap is the “Netscape” heap at 028537E0
Displaying File Control Blocks
fRef File Vol Type Fl Fork LEof
0002 System Hard Drive zsys dW rsrc #6126287
0060 Hard Drive •••• dw data #1047552
00BE Hard Drive •••• dw data #2095104
011C VM Storage Hard Drive ZSYS dW data #65011712
017A System Resources Hard Drive zsyr dw rsrc #727510
0BC2 System Hard Drive zsys dw data #4072175
0C20 Open Tpt AppleTalk Li… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #502824
0C7E Open Transport Library Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #524807
0CDC OpenTransportLib Hard Drive otsl dw data #501456
0D3A Shared Library Manage… Hard Drive INIT dw rsrc #211694
0D98 Open Transport Library Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #524807
0DF6 Open Tpt AppleTalk Li… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #502824
0E54 Open Tpt Internet Lib… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #461062
0EB2 OpenTpt Remote Access Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #1083183
0F10 OpenTptAppleTalkLib Hard Drive otsl dw data #48738
0F6E OpenTpt Modem Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #91506
0FCC OpenTpt Remote Access Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #1083183
102A Remote Access Log Hard Drive lzlg dW data #135168
1088 Serial (Built-in) Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #63254
10E6 Open Transport Library Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #524807
1144 OpenTpt Serial Arbitr… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #7974
11A2 OpenTpt Serial Arbitr… Hard Drive libr dw rsrc #7974
1200 Users & Groups Data F… Hard Drive BTFL dW data #67584
125E Apple Guide Hard Drive INIT dw data #417352
12BC ColorSync Extension Hard Drive appe dw data #301152
131A Contextual Menu Exten… Hard Drive INIT dw data #66663
1378 SOMobjects™ for Mac OS Hard Drive shlb dw data #129152
13D6 EditorCore.shlb External D… shlb dw data #586749
1434 Control Strip Extensi… Hard Drive appe dW rsrc #67084
1492 Netscape AOL Instant … External D… APPL dW rsrc #937675
14F0 Control Strip Extensi… Hard Drive appe dw data #3160
154E Folder Actions Hard Drive appe dW rsrc #4877
15AC Time Synchronizer Hard Drive appe dW rsrc #6319
160A Finder Hard Drive FNDR dw rsrc #638602
1668 Finder Hard Drive FNDR dw data #1870234
16C6 Color Picker Hard Drive INIT dw data #6400
1724 File Sharing Library Hard Drive shlb dw data #91214
1782 File Sharing Library Hard Drive shlb dw rsrc #3190
17E0 Finder Preferences Hard Drive pref dW rsrc #726
183E Desktop DB Hard Drive BTFL dW data #202752
189C Desktop DF Hard Drive DTFL dW data #1401970
18FA **** EXTENTS B-TREE External D… •••• dw data #1047552
1958 **** CATALOG B-TREE External D… •••• dw data #1047552
19B6 Time Synchronizer Hard Drive appe dw data #37169
1A14 OpenTptInternetLib Hard Drive otsl dw data #257182
1A72 PrintingLib Hard Drive shlb dw data #1103024
1AD0 Folder Actions Hard Drive appe dw data #17331
1B2E AppleScriptLib Hard Drive shlb dw data #22636
1B8C Desktop DB External D… BTFL dW data #67584
1BEA Desktop DF External D… DTFL dW data #366130
1C48 Find CM Items Hard Drive cmpi dw data #21987
1CA6 Folder Actions Menus Hard Drive cmpi dw data #10205
1D04 EditorTxmgr.shlb External D… shlb dw data #21562
1D62 AppleTalk Switch Hard Drive sdev dw data #5066
1DC0 Netscape AOL Instant … External D… APPL dw data #2188582
1E1E AIM Prefs Hard Drive Pref dW rsrc #5865
1E7C Netscape External D… APPL dW rsrc #97879
1EDA File Sharing Strip Hard Drive sdev dw data #8634
1F38 File Sharing Library Hard Drive shlb dw rsrc #3190
1F96 Monitor BitDepth Hard Drive sdev dw data #4794
1FF4 Monitor Resolution Hard Drive sdev dw data #9750
2052 Sound Volume Hard Drive sdev dw data #4154
20B0 Video Mirroring Hard Drive sdev dw data #4426
210E Web Sharing CS Hard Drive sdev dw data #21334
216C Netscape External D… APPL dw data #31334
21CA NSRuntime.shlb External D… shlb dw data #15704
2228 NSStdLib.shlb External D… shlb dw data #284608
2286 NSPR20.shlb External D… shlb dw data #210713
22E4 JavaScript.shlb External D… shlb dw data #398404
2342 webshell.shlb External D… shlb dw data #154968
23A0 xpcom.shlb External D… shlb dw data #566714
23FE libreg.shlb External D… shlb dw data #37794
245C dom.shlb External D… shlb dw data #882047
24BA NetworkModular.shlb External D… shlb dw data #6882
2518 Component Registry External D… BINA dW data #253233
2576 AppShell.shlb External D… shlb dw data #168293
25D4 chardet.shlb External D… shlb dw data #53775
2632 uconv.shlb External D… shlb dw data #46678
2690 Network.shlb External D… shlb dw data #137848
26EE resource.shlb External D… shlb dw data #9735
274C file.shlb External D… shlb dw data #32234
27AA mimetype.shlb External D… shlb dw data #13704
2808 ucvlatin.shlb External D… shlb dw data #147777
2866 widget.shlb External D… shlb dw data #288266
28C4 gfx.shlb External D… shlb dw data #162056
2922 libutil.shlb External D… shlb dw data #5735
2980 libimg.shlb External D… shlb dw data #51103
29DE Text Encoding Convert… Hard Drive shlb dw data #155168
2A3C WASTELib External D… shlb dw data #117737
2A9A widget.shlb External D… shlb dw rsrc #921
2AF8 RDFLibrary.shlb External D… shlb dw data #613104
2B56 Chinese Encodings Hard Drive ecpg dw data #14872
2BB4 Japanese Encodings Hard Drive ecpg dw data #14952
2C12 Korean Encodings Hard Drive ecpg dw data #10488
2C70 Unicode Encodings Hard Drive ecpg dw data #16872
2CCE profile.shlb External D… shlb dw data #43171
2D2C Mozilla Registry Hard Drive REGS dW data #921
2D8A libpref.shlb External D… shlb dw data #55021
2DE8 ChomeRegistry.shlb External D… shlb dw data #55034
2E46 plugin.shlb External D… shlb dw data #90858
2EA4 nslocale.shlb External D… shlb dw data #47838
2F02 history.shlb External D… shlb dw data #38155
2F60 Mork.shlb External D… shlb dw data #263770
2FBE history.dat Hard Drive BINA dW data #231
301C uriLoader.shlb External D… shlb dw data #15571
307A layout.shlb External D… shlb dw data #3756440
30D8 htmlparser.shlb External D… shlb dw data #422878
3136 unicharutil.shlb External D… shlb dw data #27857
3194 Caps.shlb External D… shlb dw data #77032
31F2 Cookie.shlb External D… shlb dw data #60307
3250 xpinstall.shlb External D… shlb dw data #220546
32AE zlib.shlb External D… shlb dw data #42298
330C mailnews.shlb External D… shlb dw data #346780
336A AIM.shlb External D… shlb dw data #260605
33C8 Wallet.shlb External D… shlb dw data #115068
3426 XPConnect.shlb External D… shlb dw data #186927
3484 oji.shlb External D… shlb dw data #88032
34E2 LiveConnect.shlb External D… shlb dw data #96889
3540 view.shlb External D… shlb dw data #88088
359E about.shlb External D… shlb dw data #18293
35FC Bookmarks.shlb External D… shlb dw data #87901
365A Search.shlb External D… shlb dw data #65938
36B8 XPCS Library External D… shlb dw data #14096
3716 MSL RuntimePPC++.DLL External D… shlb dw data #16722
3774 MSL C.PPC.DLL External D… shlb dw data #149574
37D2 MSL RuntimePPC.DLL Hard Drive shlb dw data #22238
3830 XPRT Library External D… shlb dw data #40794
388E CoolBucky Library External D… shlb dw data #100886
38EC XPTL Library External D… shlb dw data #4022
394A strres.shlb External D… shlb dw data #13981
39A8 CoolBos Library External D… shlb dw data #121109
3A06 lwbrk.shlb External D… shlb dw data #16774
3A64 gifdecoder.shlb External D… shlb dw data #15041
3AC2 mozBrowser.shlb External D… shlb dw data #47159
3B20 http.shlb External D… shlb dw data #78259
3B7E CoolSocket Library External D… shlb dw data #16925
3BDC RegViewer.shlb External D… shlb dw data #22017
3C3A CoolUtils Library External D… shlb dw data #15674
3C98 MsgAddrbook.shlb External D… shlb dw data #204795
3CF6 Related.shlb External D… shlb dw data #23686
3D54 StdLog Hard Drive TEXT dW data #12845
#203 FCBs, #168 in use (including #27 fonts not listed), #35 free
Displaying Driver Control Entries
No drivers are busy.
Displaying resource information:
> Map $028A0788, flags $0000, file $2A9A = widget.shlb
Map $02853968, flags $0000, file $1E7C = Netscape
+ Map $0000328C, flags $801A, file $0003 = •ROM resources that override
S Map $00003370, flags $200D, file $0002 = System
Map $0000320C, flags $0014, file $017A = System Resources
[Skipped $001B maps belonging to font files]
Calling chain using A6/R1 links
Back chain ISA Caller
00000000 PPC 073AD9D4
03425D40 PPC 073AAB8C main+00114
03425CC0 PPC 073AA65C main1(int, char**)+005D0
03425BD0 PPC 07114CF8 nsAppShellService::Run()+00018
03425B90 PPC 07073F54 nsAppShell::Run()+00038
03425B10 PPC 0707469C nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+0003C
03425AC0 PPC 07074934 nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int,
03425A70 PPC 070754EC nsMacMessagePump::DoIdle(EventRecord&)+00020
03425A30 PPC 0707514C nsMacMessagePump::DoMouseMove(EventRecord&)+0004C
034259E0 PPC 07075580
nsMacMessagePump::DispatchOSEventToRaptor(EventRecord&, GrafPort
03425990 PPC 0706F808 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchOSEvent(EventRecord&,
03425950 PPC 07069668 nsMacWindow::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord&)+00020
034258F0 PPC 0706A250
034258A0 PPC 0706B970
034257F0 PPC 070559C0 nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(nsMouseEvent&)+00058
03425790 PPC 07055878 nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent&)+00018
03425750 PPC 070557A4 nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*,
03425700 PPC 0695816C HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*)+5816C
Return addresses on the stack
Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller
03425918 PPC FFD4D8FC SetPort+0001C
034258F8 PPC 07069668
034258D8 034258D0 PPC 07B34550 NQDSetPort+00034
034258B8 034258B0 PPC 0706F9EC
034258A8 034258A0 PPC 0706A250
03425884 03425880 68K 00166FEA 'scod BFAF 0002'+05A0A
03425848 PPC FFD4D930 GetPort+0001C
03425832 68K 00B20814
03425808 03425800 PPC 07CDEADC HLTBInterProcessCall+000BC
034257F8 034257F0 PPC 0706B970
034257BA 68K 0063FFFE 'crsr AE73 0002'+000DE
03425798 03425790 PPC 070559C0
03425778 03425770 PPC 07056150 nsWindow::PointInWidget(Point)+0003C
03425758 03425750 PPC 07055878
03425728 03425720 PPC 0705677C
nsWindow::ConvertToDeviceCoordinates(int&, int&)+00
03425708 03425700 PPC 070557A4 nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*,
034256C8 034256C0 PPC 070560B8 nsWindow::CalcOffset(int&, int&)+000B4
034256B8 034256B0 PPC 0695816C HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*)+5816C
03425680 68K 034256BE
03425670 68K 034256BE
034255E8 034255E0 PPC 07D29050 GetWindowGadgetDropThreshold+00554
03425598 03425590 PPC 07D2614C GetWindowProcess+00028
03425568 03425560 PPC 07CDEADC HLTBInterProcessCall+000BC
03425558 03425550 PPC 06954D20
nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*, nsEventSt
Displaying memory from 0
00000000 FFC1 0000 FFC1 0000 0016 1636 0016 1638 *¡••*¡•••••6•••8
00000010 0016 163A 0016 163C FFC0 31A8 FFC0 31AA •••:•••<*¿1®*¿1™
Closing log
Comment 1•25 years ago
This is difficult to reproduce and should not be considered dogfood.
Please target for Beta.
Summary: Crash scrolling through Standalone in IM → [BETA]Crash scrolling through Standalone in IM
Assignee | ||
Updated•25 years ago
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•25 years ago
I already have a PDT+ bug on this
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 20508 ***
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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