Closed Bug 22493 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[PP][REGRESSION][DOGFOOD]Crash when selecting card in address book list


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Address Book & Contacts, defect, P1)

Mac System 8.6


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: scalkins, Assigned: mikepinkerton)


(Whiteboard: [PDT+])

Happens on Mac and Linux build 1999-12-22-08 M13 Steps to repro: 1)Launch Seamonkey. When Mozilla comes up select Tasks-->Address Book. 2)When address book doalog opens, click on one of the cards which is in the Address Book to select it. Actual results: You will crash. Macs Bugs log follows. MacsBug 6.6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-99 PowerPC illegal instruction at FFC10008 _MemoryDispatch+00198 22-Dec-1999 3:14:28 PM (since boot = 4 hours) Current application is ÒNetscapeÓ Machine = #406 (NewWorldMac), System $0860, sysu = $01008000 ROM version $077D, $44B5, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000) VM is off NIL^ = $FFC10000 Stack space used = +116722918 Address FFC10008 is in the ROM at _MemoryDispatch+00198 PowerPC 740/750 Registers CR0 CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 PC = FFC10008 CR 0010 0010 0000 0000 0000 1000 0010 1000 LR = 05A0954C <>=O XEVO CTR = FFC10000 MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count Int = 0 XER 001 00 00 MQ = 00000000 R0 = FFC10000 R8 = 00000000 R16 = 00006100 R24 = 04CD3D14 SP = 06B5CDE0 R9 = 00000000 R17 = 00000000 R25 = 05340D2C TOC = 0000508B R10 = 00000000 R18 = 00000000 R26 = 04CEC880 R3 = 00000000 R11 = 02A560C0 R19 = 04CCFD20 R27 = 05340D2C R4 = 05340D2C R12 = 00000000 R20 = 00000001 R28 = 06B5D7B8 R5 = 06B5D7B8 R13 = 06B5E1F0 R21 = 00000004 R29 = 06674160 R6 = 06B5CE20 R14 = 05FA2330 R22 = 00000000 R30 = 00000000 R7 = 0666BC84 R15 = 00000000 R23 = 00000000 R31 = 06508740 Disassembling PowerPC code from FFC0FFE0 _MemoryDispatch +00170 FFC0FFE0 dc.l 0xFFFC28CB | FFFC28CB +00174 FFC0FFE4 cmplwi cr1,r0,0x307C | 2880307C +00178 FFC0FFE8 dc.l 0x00014242 | 00014242 +0017C FFC0FFEC subfic r0,RTOC,0x225F | 2002225F +00180 FFC0FFF0 dc.l 0x4CDF1808 | 4CDF1808 +00184 FFC0FFF4 dc.l 0x4E7591C8 | 4E7591C8 +00188 FFC0FFF8 subic. SP,r28,0x0032 | 343CFFCE +0018C FFC0FFFC ori r14,r7,0x2857 | 60EE2857 +00190 FFC10000 subfic RTOC,r20,0x508C | 2054508C +00194 FFC10004 subfic r16,r3,0x6100 | 22036100 +00198 FFC10008 *dc.l 0x00184A42 | 00184A42 +0019C FFC1000C xori r8,r31,0x2041 | 6BE82041 +001A0 FFC10010 ori r26,r6,0x0000 | 60DA0000 +001A4 FFC10014 dc.l 0x00000000 | 00000000 +001A8 FFC10018 dc.l 0x00000000 | 00000000 +001AC FFC1001C dc.l 0x00000000 | 00000000 +001B0 FFC10020 dc.l 0x4E56FFE0 | 4E56FFE0 +001B4 FFC10024 b CoerceObjToZone+00104 ; 0x00A81F24 | 48E71F00 +001B8 FFC10028 cmpwi cr2,SP,-0x0010 | 2D41FFF0 +001BC FFC1002C cmpdi cr2,r28,0x0000 | 2D7C0000 Heap zones #1 Mod 16212K 00002800 to 00FD784F SysZone^ #2 Mod 5K 00017720 to 00018ECF ROM read-only zone #3 Mod 288K 00513160 to 0055B15F #4 Mod 94K 005BD230 to 005D4E0F #5 Mod 104415K 00FD7850 to 075CF81F Process Manager zone #6 Mod 11832K 05F86A00 to 06B14CCF ÒNetscapeÓ ApplZone^ TheZone^ TargetZone #7 Mod 4631K 06B60DF0 to 06FE6A1F ÒNetscape AOL Instant MessengerÓ #8 Mod 187K 0707BEE0 to 070AAC8F ÒFile Sharing ExtensionÓ #9 Mod 946K 0736B720 to 0745830F ÒFinderÓ #10 Mod 121K 0746CBA0 to 0748B0FF ÒTime SynchronizerÓ #11 Mod 381K 07499990 to 074F8EDF ÒFolder ActionsÓ #12 Mod 92K 07555750 to 0756CAAF ÒControl Strip ExtensionÓ Checking all heaps The System heap at 00002800 is ok The ROM read-only heap at 00017720 is ok The heap at 00513160 is ok The heap at 005BD230 is ok The Process Manager heap at 00FD7850 is ok The ÒNetscapeÓ heap at 05F86A00 is ok The ÒNetscape AOL Instant MessengerÓ heap at 06B60DF0 is ok The ÒFile Sharing ExtensionÓ heap at 0707BEE0 is ok The ÒFinderÓ heap at 0736B720 is ok The ÒTime SynchronizerÓ heap at 0746CBA0 is ok The ÒFolder ActionsÓ heap at 07499990 is ok The ÒControl Strip ExtensionÓ heap at 07555750 is ok System heap high free space + TempMem low free space = #62814352 (#59M) The target heap is the System heap at 00002800 Totaling the System heap at 00002800 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 003C #60 00011030 #69680 (#68K) Nonrelocatable 0CA0 #3232 00AA97DC #11179996 (#10M) Relocatable 090D #2317 0051A800 #5351424 (#5226K) Locked 016E #366 00305130 #3166512 (#3092K) Purgeable and not locked 0108 #264 00165620 #1463840 (#1429K) Heap size 15E9 #5609 00FD500C #16601100 (#15M) The target heap is the Process Manager heap at 00FD7850 Totaling the Process Manager heap at 00FD7850 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 0020 #32 03B5B1E0 #62239200 (#59M) Nonrelocatable 0003 #3 0000CDAC #52652 (#51K) Relocatable 0111 #273 02A90000 #44630016 (#42M) Locked 00AA #170 02A083C0 #44073920 (#42M) Purgeable and not locked 0009 #9 00078CF0 #494832 (#483K) Heap size 0134 #308 065F7F8C #106921868 (#101M) The target heap is the ÒNetscapeÓ heap at 05F86A00 Totaling the ÒNetscapeÓ heap at 05F86A00 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 007A #122 00245060 #2379872 (#2324K) Nonrelocatable 00EB #235 00789ECC #7904972 (#7719K) Relocatable 0C2E #3118 001BF360 #1831776 (#1788K) Locked 0069 #105 00121CA0 #1186976 (#1159K) Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0 Heap size 0D93 #3475 00B8E28C #12116620 (#11M) Displaying File Control Blocks FRef Name VRef Type Fl ForkID LogEOF 0002 System FFFF zsys mW rsrc 006290AC 0060 **** EXTENTS B-TREE FFFF ¥¥¥¥ mw data 001FE000 00BE **** CATALOG B-TREE FFFF ¥¥¥¥ Mw data 003FC000 011C **** VOLUME BITMAP FFFF ¥¥¥¥ mw data 00023000 017A System Resources FFFF zsyr mw rsrc 000D8191 09EC Open Tpt AppleTalk Library FFFF libr mw rsrc 0007B3CB 0A4A Open Transport Library FFFF libr mw rsrc 0007CB47 0AA8 Open Transport Library FFFF libr mw rsrc 0007CB47 0B06 Open Transport Library FFFF libr mw rsrc 0007CB47 0B64 Open Tpt AppleTalk Library FFFF libr mw rsrc 0007B3CB 0BC2 Open Tpt Internet Library FFFF libr mw rsrc 00070CF5 0C20 Serial (Built-in) FFFF libr mw rsrc 0000F716 0C7E Users & Groups Data File FFFF BTFL mW data 00012000 0CDC QuickTimeª FFFF INIT mw data 0005A4B6 0D3A Netscape FFFF APPL mW rsrc 00017E57 0D98 Control Strip Extension FFFF appe mW rsrc 0001060C 0E54 Netscape AOL Instant MessenÉ FFFF APPL mW rsrc 000E4ECB 0EB2 Folder Actions FFFF appe mW rsrc 00001369 0F10 Time Synchronizer FFFF appe mW rsrc 00001E07 0F6E Finder FFFF FNDR mw rsrc 0009BE8C 0FCC File Sharing Library FFFF shlb mw rsrc 00000C76 102A Finder Preferences FFFF pref mW rsrc 0000023A 1088 Desktop DB FFFF BTFL mW data 00036000 10E6 Desktop DF FFFF DTFL mW data 001599E2 1200 Network Setup Extension FFFF shlb mw rsrc 00006821 125E Network Setup Extension FFFF shlb mw rsrc 00006821 131A File Sharing Extension FFFF INIT mW rsrc 0002F61C 13D6 Network Setup Extension FFFF shlb mw rsrc 00006821 1434 Network Setup Extension FFFF shlb mw rsrc 00006821 1492 File Sharing Library FFFF shlb mw rsrc 00000C76 14F0 AIM Prefs FFFF Pref mW rsrc 000012C7 154E Users & Groups Data File FFFF BTFL mW data 00012000 15AC AppleShare PDS FFFF BTFL mW data 0005A000 160A Component Registry FFFF BINA mW data 0003F143 1668 widget.shlb FFFF shlb mw rsrc 00000399 16C6 history.dat FFFF BINA mW data 000003DF 1724 abook.mab FFFF BINA mW data 00009C62 1782 StdLog FFFF TEXT mW data 0000230A 0DF6 AppleShare PDS FFFE BTFL mW data 00044800 1144 **** EXTENTS B-TREE FFFE ¥¥¥¥ mw data 000EFC00 11A2 **** CATALOG B-TREE FFFE ¥¥¥¥ mw data 000EFC00 12BC Desktop DB FFFE BTFL mW data 00044800 1378 Desktop DF FFFE DTFL mW data 0012B772 #160 FCBs, #65 in use (including #22 fonts not listed), #95 free Displaying Volume Control Blocks vRef VolName Flg dRef Drv# FSID NumBlks BlkSiz FilCnt DirCnt BlsdDir VCBPtr FFFF Hard Disk dsh FFCB 0008 0000 00111582 001000 0013F6 000298 00000018 00015380 FFFE OS9 dsh FFCB 0009 0000 FF68 011200 0007E4 000110 0000002A 00CA5F90 #2 VCBs Displaying Drive Queue Drive Volume Flags dRef Driver Name FSID Size QElem at 0008 Hard Disk leiS FFCB .ASYC00 0000 0088AF43 002342F4 0009 OS9 leiS FFCB .ASYC00 0000 0088AF43 00234334 0004 <none> lEiS FFA0 .iomegaDriverATA_0.S É0000 00000000 009EF004 #3 drives Displaying Driver Control Entries dRef dNum Driver Flg Ver qHead Stor/Ver Dely Drvr at DCE at FFFA 0005 .AIn bPC #9 00000000 00000000 0000 00826AB0 002333D0 FFF9 0006 .AOut bPC #9 00000000 00000000 0000 00826B70 00233420 FFF8 0007 .BIn bPC #9 00000000 00000000 0000 00826C30 00233560 FFF7 0008 .BOut bPC #9 00000000 00000000 0000 00826CF0 002338C0 FFF6 0009 .MPP bPO #60 00000000 00000001 0000 008F5FD0 008646B0 FFF5 000A .ATP bPO #58 00000000 00AA3F30 0000 008D1C90 008FCF00 FFD7 0028 .XPP bPO #58 00000000 008D8C00 0000 008D59B0 00AB47D0 FFD6 0029 .AFPTranslator bPO #0 00000000 00A77620 003C 00B2BC80 007DFE40 FFCF 0030 .EDisk bPC #0 00000000 00000000 003C FFCD0EA0 000B4C20 FFCE 0031 .LANDisk bPC #1 00000000 00000000 0000 000BA438 000CC820 FFCD 0032 .Display_Rage128 bPO #0 00000000 01.01f01 0000 000CF8C8 000CF890 FFCC 0033 .ATALoad bPO #0 00000000 00230B30 0001 FFD9A3F0 001571C0 FFCB 0034 .ASYC00 bPO #0 00000000 00234CFE 0000 002388AE 002335E0 FFCA 0035 .DAVAudio bPO #0 00000000 01.11f00 0000 0041E218 0041E1E0 FFC9 0036 .AppleSoundInput bPO #33 00000000 01.21f00 0000 007D49D8 007D49A0 FFC8 0037 .ASLM bPO #2 00000000 00000000 0000 0081E8F0 00093400 FFC7 0038 .SLM bPO #2 00000000 00000000 0000 00857A00 00857B90 FFC6 0039 .DSP bPO #58 00000000 002A41E0 0000 0099CDD0 00D91C30 FFC5 003A .ipp bPC #0 00000000 00000000 0000 009BBD50 00DC9900 FFC4 003B .Infra bPO #20 00000000 008984C0 0000 009B8380 0081DCB0 FFC3 003C .DVaudio bPO #32 00000000 01.20f03 0000 007DC1F8 007DC1C0 FFC2 003D .AppleCD bPO #0 00000000 009EEFC6 0078 00A115FE 009EF040 FFC1 003E .DVDRegMgr bHO #0 00000000 00000000 0001 00D053C0 00926E20 FFC0 003F .swmdrvr bHO #0 00000000 00005334 001E 0060DAF0 00090180 FFBF 0040 .HDI bPO #0 00000000 00C9C650 001E 00CE2180 00C28AC0 FFA2 005D .DisplayBezelMgr bHO #0 00000000 000042A8 0001 00CA91F0 00C8FE00 FFA1 005E .PrinterShare bHO #0 00000000 000048A0 0000 00C8B850 00AB0B30 FFA0 005F .iomegaDriverATA_0.S v6.0.2 bPO #0 00000000 000048CC 0005 00D6EFB0 00C7EC80 #96 Unit Table entries, #28 in use, #68 free Displaying resource information: > Map $05FE0878, flags $0000, file $1668 = widget.shlb Map $05F86B88, flags $0000, file $0D3A = Netscape + Map $00005A2C, flags $801A, file $0003 = ¥ROM resources that override System¥ S Map $00005A30, flags $200D, file $0002 = System Map $00005888, flags $0014, file $017A = System Resources [Skipped $0016 maps belonging to font files] Calling chain using A6/R1 links Back chain ISA Caller 00000000 PPC 05F8C7C4 06B60B00 PPC 05F898EC main+00194 06B60A60 PPC 05F8933C main1(int, char**)+005D0 06B60970 PPC 070277FC nsAppShellService::Run()+00018 06B60930 PPC 05C6B4B0 nsAppShell::Run()+00038 06B608B0 PPC 05C6BBC8 nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+0003C 06B60860 PPC 05C6BD84 nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int, EventRecord*)+0005C 06B60810 PPC 05C6C068 nsMacMessagePump::DoMouseDown(EventRecord&)+000AC 06B60740 PPC 05C6CB0C nsMacMessagePump::DispatchOSEventToRaptor(EventRecord&, GrafPort *)+00044 06B606F0 PPC 05C66D64 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchOSEvent(EventRecord&, GrafPort*)+00038 06B606B0 PPC 05C60BF4 nsMacWindow::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord&)+00020 06B60650 PPC 05C616D8 nsMacEventHandler::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord&)+000B0 06B60600 PPC 05C62B50 nsMacEventHandler::HandleMouseDownEvent(EventRecord&)+00298 06B60510 PPC 05C4CB64 nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(nsMouseEvent&)+00058 06B604B0 PPC 05C4CA1C nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent&)+00018 06B60470 PPC 05C4C948 nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+00090 06B60420 PPC 055CBF34 HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*)+00058 06B603D0 PPC 055C8B1C nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus*)+0056C 06B60230 PPC 055CDA48 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEventStatus*, i nt&)+001E0 06B601B0 PPC 0572E314 PresShell::HandleEvent(nsIView*, nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus*)+00 2A0 06B60130 PPC 0597A014 nsTreeCellFrame::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext*, nsGUIEvent*, nsEve ntStatus*)+00060 06B600F0 PPC 0597A1EC nsTreeCellFrame::HandleMouseDownEvent(nsIPresContext*, nsGUIEven t*, nsEventStatus*)+00120 06B60080 PPC 0596689C nsTreeFrame::SetSelection(nsIPresContext*, nsTreeCellFrame*)+002 38 06B5FF10 PPC 05BC6288 nsXULTreeElement::SelectCell(nsIDOMXULElement*)+00124 06B5FE70 PPC 05BC72AC nsXULTreeElement::FireOnSelectHandler()+0020C 06B5FCD0 PPC 05BDE534 nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext*, nsEvent*, nsIDOMEv ent**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus*)+00354 06B5FB70 PPC 057C5808 nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext*, nsEvent*, n sIDOMEvent**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus*)+00D9C 06B5FA20 PPC 057C4950 nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType(nsListenerStruct*, ns IDOMEvent*, unsigned int)+00360 06B5F7A0 PPC 05D83000 nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent*)+001D0 06B5F680 PPC 05D17C18 nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(void*, void*, unsigned int, void*, int*)+001E8 06B5F5C0 PPC 05EB5E3C JS_CallFunctionValue+00014 06B5F580 PPC 05ECE254 js_InternalCall+000B8 06B5F4D0 PPC 05ECE02C js_Invoke+00554 06B5F3F0 PPC 05ED4250 js_Interpret+05978 06B5F1C0 PPC 05ECE02C js_Invoke+00554 06B5F0E0 PPC 05ED4250 js_Interpret+05978 06B5EEB0 PPC 05ECE02C js_Invoke+00554 06B5EDD0 PPC 05ED4250 js_Interpret+05978 06B5EBA0 PPC 05ECE02C js_Invoke+00554 06B5EAC0 PPC 05ED4250 js_Interpret+05978 06B5E890 PPC 05ECE02C js_Invoke+00554 06B5E7B0 PPC 05ED4250 js_Interpret+05978 06B5E580 PPC 05ECE02C js_Invoke+00554 06B5E4A0 PPC 05ED4250 js_Interpret+05978 06B5E270 PPC 05ECDFD4 js_Invoke+004FC 06B5E190 PPC 05D148F8 ElementRemoveAttribute(JSContext*, JSObject*, unsigned int, long *, long*)+001F4 06B5E070 PPC 0580C6E0 nsHTMLDivElement::RemoveAttribute(const nsString&)+00010 06B5E030 PPC 05924618 nsGenericElement::RemoveAttribute(const nsString&)+0005C 06B5DFE0 PPC 0580D658 nsHTMLDivElement::UnsetAttribute(int, nsIAtom*, int)+00010 06B5DFA0 PPC 057DCEE0 nsGenericHTMLElement::UnsetAttribute(int, nsIAtom*, int)+0015C 06B5DF30 PPC 05B89718 nsXULDocument::AttributeChanged(nsIContent*, int, nsIAtom*, int) +000F8 06B5DCE0 PPC 0572D030 PresShell::AttributeChanged(nsIDocument*, nsIContent*, int, nsIA tom*, int)+00078 06B5DC80 PPC 05728CF8 PresShell::ExitReflowLock(int, int)+0003C 06B5DC40 PPC 0572BADC PresShell::ProcessReflowCommands()+000EC 06B5DBB0 PPC 057BB420 nsHTMLReflowCommand::Dispatch(nsIPresContext*, nsHTMLReflowMetri cs&, const nsSize&, nsIRenderingContext&)+000E4 06B5DAB0 PPC 05979034 ViewportFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext*, nsHTMLReflowMetrics&, con st nsHTMLReflowState&, unsigned int&)+001E8 06B5D930 PPC 05711190 nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame*, nsIPresContext*, nsHTML ReflowMetrics&, const nsHTMLReflowState&, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int&)+000C8 06B5D8C0 PPC 057D00E4 RootFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext*, nsHTMLReflowMetrics&, const n sHTMLReflowState&, unsigned int&)+001A4 06B5D720 PPC 05711190 nsContainerFrame::ReflowChild(nsIFrame*, nsIPresContext*, nsHTML ReflowMetrics&, const nsHTMLReflowState&, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int&)+000C8 06B5D6B0 PPC 059A03E0 nsBoxFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext*, nsHTMLReflowMetrics&, const nsHTMLReflowState&, unsigned int&)+0012C 06B5D5A0 PPC 059A27CC nsBoxFrame::GetBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowState& , nsBoxInfo&)+000B4 06B5D4E0 PPC 0599FF84 nsBoxFrame::GetChildBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowS tate&, nsIFrame*, nsCalculatedBoxInfo&)+0007C 06B5D3E0 PPC 059A27CC nsBoxFrame::GetBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowState& , nsBoxInfo&)+000B4 06B5D320 PPC 0599FF84 nsBoxFrame::GetChildBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowS tate&, nsIFrame*, nsCalculatedBoxInfo&)+0007C 06B5D220 PPC 059A27CC nsBoxFrame::GetBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowState& , nsBoxInfo&)+000B4 06B5D160 PPC 0599FF84 nsBoxFrame::GetChildBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowS tate&, nsIFrame*, nsCalculatedBoxInfo&)+0007C 06B5D060 PPC 059A27CC nsBoxFrame::GetBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowState& , nsBoxInfo&)+000B4 06B5CFA0 PPC 0599FF84 nsBoxFrame::GetChildBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowS tate&, nsIFrame*, nsCalculatedBoxInfo&)+0007C Return addresses on the stack Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller 06B5D1CC 68K 04DB8F7A 06B5D1B8 68K 05F798CA malloc+00042 06B5D1A8 PPC 055C840C nsViewManager::UpdateView(nsIView*, const nsRect&, unsigned int)+001F0 06B5D168 PPC 059A27CC nsBoxFrame::GetBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTM LReflowState&, nsBoxInfo&)+000B4 06B5D138 06B5D130 PPC 05C4B278 nsWindow::Invalidate(const nsRect&, int)+000FC 06B5D114 06B5D110 68K 06B5D1F6 06B5D108 06B5D100 PPC 059E96CC nsDST::Search(void*, unsigned int, void**)+0003C 06B5D100 68K 06B5D13E 06B5D0F8 06B5D0F0 PPC FFD1F0FC SetPort+0001C 06B5D0B8 06B5D0B0 PPC 003F26E0 NQDSetPort+00034 06B5D0A8 06B5D0A0 PPC 003EB584 NQDSetOrigin+00020 06B5D088 06B5D080 PPC 05C4D25C nsWindow::CalcOffset(int&, int&)+000B4 06B5D068 06B5D060 PPC 0599FF84 nsBoxFrame::GetChildBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowState&, nsIFrame*, nsCalculatedBoxInfo&)+0007C 06B5D028 06B5D020 PPC FFD1FCF0 SetEmptyRgn+0001C 06B5D018 06B5D010 PPC 05786AA0 AtomKey::~AtomKey()+00048 06B5D008 68K 05F798CA malloc+00042 06B5CFF8 06B5CFF0 PPC 006A97A4 DoubleClickWindowTitle+00A8C 06B5CFE8 06B5CFE0 PPC 003F3F18 NQDSetEmptyRgn+00048 06B5CFB8 06B5CFB0 PPC FFD1FE68 UnionRgn+00024 06B5CFAC 68K 0520011E 06B5CFA8 06B5CFA0 PPC 059A27CC nsBoxFrame::GetBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTM LReflowState&, nsBoxInfo&)+000B4 06B5CF80 68K 06B5CFBE 06B5CF78 06B5CF70 PPC 003F4090 NQDUnionRgn+0006C 06B5CF48 06B5CF40 PPC 05786AA0 AtomKey::~AtomKey()+00048 06B5CF18 06B5CF10 PPC 003E0EDC TrimRect+00FB8 06B5CED8 06B5CED0 PPC FFD1A788 DisposeHandle+00028 06B5CEC8 06B5CEC0 PPC 003E0A3C TrimRect+00B18 06B5CEA8 06B5CEA0 PPC 0599FF84 nsBoxFrame::GetChildBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowState&, nsIFrame*, nsCalculatedBoxInfo&)+0007C 06B5CDF8 06B5CDF0 PPC 003A43EC __SetHandleSize+00014 06B5CDE8 06B5CDE0 PPC 05A09528 nsGfxScrollFrame::GetBoxInfo(nsIPresContext*, const nsHTMLReflowState&, nsBoxInfo&)+00128 Displaying memory from sp 06B5CDE0 06B5 CEA0 0000 A024 05A0 952C 0000 002C ¥µÎ ¥¥ $¥ •,¥¥¥, 06B5CDF0 06B5 CE30 0660 8010 003A 43F0 0000 0000 ¥µÎ0¥`€¥¥:C𥥥¥ 06B5CE00 0000 0000 0015 3C64 0000 0000 0000 0000 ¥¥¥¥¥¥<d¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 06B5CE10 0000 0000 416F FFFF 0000 000F 0000 0000 ¥¥¥¥Aoÿÿ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 06B5CE20 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 06B5CE30 4000 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000 0666 AFAC @¥¥¥@¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥f¯¬ 06B5CE40 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 06B5CE50 4000 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000 0666 AFAC @¥¥¥@¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥f¯¬ Displaying memory from 0 00000000 FFC1 0000 FFC1 0000 0023 FAC0 002E CDD8 ÿÁ¥¥ÿÁ¥¥¥#úÀ¥.ÍØ 00000010 002E CDDA 002E CDDC FFC0 5608 FFC0 560A ¥.ÍÚ¥.ÍÜÿÀV¥ÿÀV¥ Closing log
Priority: P3 → P1
QA Contact: lchiang → esther
Summary: [PP][REGRESSION]Crash when selecting card in address book list → [PP][REGRESSION][DOGFOOD]Crash when selecting card in address book list
Whiteboard: PDT+
marking PDT+
Target Milestone: M13
Assignee: hangas → pinkerton
Target Milestone: M13
Mike: this crash has been converted to an assert so that people can continue to work by sspitzer's checkin. Sending to you because your name is the last one on the files involved. Crash appeared on the morning after your checkin on 12-21-99
Whiteboard: PDT+ → [PDT+]
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Using builds dated 20000104 on win98, 2000010515 on linux and 2000010409 on mac this is fixed. Note: I noticed this was resolved as fixed on 1-5, but appears to be fixed in the 1-4 builds for win and mac. Verified
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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