Closed Bug 2547 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

[PP] Mac only - Crash at this site as it loads


(Core :: Layout, defect, P1)

Mac System 8.5





(Reporter: glynn, Assigned: mozeditor)




Jan 21 Seamonkey optimized on Mac PPC PBook G3, 1. Launch Seamonkey and go to: • Crash as page loads and lays out, PPC Illegal instruction Loads fine on win98, 95 and NT 4.0 - Linux 21 build is not testable.
PowerPC illegal instruction at 02852A20 21-Jan-1999 6:07:16 PM (since boot = 1 hour, 13 minutes) Current application is Òviewer.appÓ Machine = 312 (PowerBookG3Series), System $0850, sysu = $01008000 ROM version $077D, $41F5, $0002 (ROMBase $FFC00000) VM is on; paging is currently safe NIL^ = $FFC10000 Stack space used = +54312882 Address 02852A20 is in the Òviewer.appÓ heap at 025FD8A0 It is 001A5550 bytes into this heap block: Start Length Tag Mstr Ptr Lock Prg Type ID File Name ¥ 026AD4D0 005714C8+0C N PowerPC 740/750 Registers CR0 CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 PC = 02852A20 CR 0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 1000 0010 1000 LR = 0B70016C <>=O XEVO CTR = 02852A20 MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count Int = 0 XER 001 00 00 MQ = FF0002FD R0 = 02852A20 R8 = 00000000 R16 = 00000000 R24 = 03C661E4 SP = 02FDBAE0 R9 = 00000000 R17 = 00000000 R25 = 001DD96C TOC = 00000000 R10 = 0000002E R18 = 00000000 R26 = 00000001 R3 = 027635A4 R11 = 002BDF30 R19 = 00000000 R27 = 00000001 R4 = 02852F48 R12 = 02852FBC R20 = 00000000 R28 = 00000000 R5 = 02935068 R13 = 00000000 R21 = 00000000 R29 = 0270A258 R6 = 02741248 R14 = 00000000 R22 = 00000000 R30 = 02935068 R7 = 00000000 R15 = 00000000 R23 = 00000000 R31 = 02852F48 Disassembling PowerPC code from 028529F8 No procedure name 028529F8 ori r18,r19,0x6F77 | 62726F77 028529FC andi. r5,r27,0x722E | 7365722E 02852A00 dc.l 0x00000000 | 00000000 02852A04 addi r3,SP,0x0564 | 38610564 02852A08 li r4,-0x5001 | 3880AFFF 02852A0C li r5,0x0060 | 38A00060 02852A10 dc.l 0x02852200 | 02852200 02852A14 xori r0,r24,0x0004 | 6B000004 02852A18 dc.l 0x00000810 | 00000810 02852A1C dc.l 0x026AD4E0 | 026AD4E0 02852A20 *dc.l 0x026AC880 | 026AC880 02852A24 dc.l 0x028BFFB0 | 028BFFB0 02852A28 dc.l 0x000000A7 | 000000A7 02852A2C dc.l 0x000007EC | 000007EC 02852A30 dc.l 0x02852F44 | 02852F44 02852A34 dc.l 0x02852A20 | 02852A20 02852A38 dc.l 0x02686420 | 02686420 02852A3C dc.l 0x0270A7D0 | 0270A7D0 02852A40 dc.l 0x02852A20 | 02852A20 02852A44 dc.l 0x02686420 | 02686420 Heap zones #1 Mod 10525K 00002800 to 00A49DAF SysZone^ #2 Mod 7K 0000BE50 to 0000DD1F ROM read-only zone #3 Mod 256K 00790F70 to 007D0F6F #4 Mod 51667K 00A49DB0 to 03CBEA9F Process Manager zone Totaling the Òviewer.appÓ heap at 025FD8A0 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 0016 #22 002C7F60 #2916192 Nonrelocatable 0093 #147 00626DFC #6450684 Relocatable 00C7 #199 000D3960 #866656 Locked 0006 #6 000D0830 #854064 Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0 Heap size 0170 #368 009C26BC #10233532 The target heap is the System heap at 00002800 Totaling the System heap at 00002800 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 0044 #68 00024CE0 #150752 Nonrelocatable 0C34 #3124 0052615C #5398876 Relocatable 0E74 #3700 004FC730 #5228336 Locked 0212 #530 0039D920 #3791136 Purgeable and not locked 0083 #131 0005C390 #377744 Heap size 1AEC #6892 00A4756C #10777964 The target heap is the Òviewer.appÓ heap at 025FD8A0 Calling chain using A6/R1 links Back chain ISA Caller 00000000 PPC 0B7D9558 02FDBE00 PPC 0B7D017C 02FDBDA0 PPC 0B7CFA74 02FDBD60 PPC 0B5DC754 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchMenuCommand(EventRecord&, long)+004FC 02FDBC80 PPC 0B5DCCC8 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchMenuCommand(EventRecord&, long)+00A70 02FDBC20 PPC 0B72CDEC Repeater::DoRepeaters(const EventRecord&)+0004C 02FDBBD0 PPC 0B7292D0 TimerPeriodical::RepeatAction(const EventRecord&)+ 0006C 02FDBB60 PPC 0B728A18 TimerImpl::Fire()+00024 Return addresses on the stack Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller 02FDBECA 68K FFC416A2 _DateToSeconds+008FA 02FDBEAA 68K FFC4251A _DateToSeconds+01772 02FDBE92 68K 001DD96A 'scod BFAF 0002'+05A0A 02FDBE84 68K 001DD960 'scod BFAF 0002'+05A00 02FDBE6A 68K 001DD93C 'scod BFAF 0002'+059DC 02FDBE48 PPC 0020B4DC EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014 02FDBE08 PPC 0B7D9558 02FDBDB8 02FDBDB0 PPC 0020A420 NewRoutineDescriptor+00030 02FDBDA8 02FDBDA0 PPC 0B7D017C 02FDBDA4 PPC 0020A490 NewRoutineDescriptor+000A0 02FDBD78 02FDBD70 PPC FFD67364 NewPtr+00028 02FDBD68 68K 0B7CFA76 02FDBD28 02FDBD20 PPC 0B6B3610 NS_InitINetService+00058 02FDBD18 02FDBD10 PPC 0B713194 nsRepository::CreateInstance(const nsID&, nsISuppor ts*, const nsID&, void**)+0004C 02FDBCF4 68K 0260B82E 02FDBCF0 68K 0260B836 02FDBCD8 02FDBCD0 PPC 0B6C5B2C NS_InitializeHttpURLFactory+001B4 02FDBCA8 02FDBCA0 PPC 0B712FF4 nsRepository::FindFactory(const nsID&, nsIFactory** )+000FC 02FDBC98 02FDBC90 PPC 0B7C1470 operator new(unsigned long)+00010 02FDBC88 02FDBC80 PPC 0B5DC754 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchMenuCommand(EventRecord&, long)+004FC 02FDBC48 02FDBC40 PPC 0B7C1470 operator new(unsigned long)+00010 02FDBC44 02FDBC40 68K 001DD96A 'scod BFAF 0002'+05A0A 02FDBC38 02FDBC30 PPC 0B7C1470 operator new(unsigned long)+00010 02FDBC28 02FDBC20 PPC 0B5DCCC8 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchMenuCommand(EventRecord&, long)+00A70 02FDBC00 68K 02FDBC5E 02FDBBE8 02FDBBE0 PPC FFD6D1D0 SetRectRgn+00038 02FDBBD8 02FDBBD0 PPC 0B72CDEC Repeater::DoRepeaters(const EventRecord&)+0004C 02FDBBC8 68K 02FDBC5E 02FDBB9C 68K 02FDBC5E 02FDBB98 02FDBB90 PPC 0B5C95C0 GetMacPLEventQueue+003E0 02FDBB88 68K 02FDBC5E 02FDBB70 68K 001DD96A 'scod BFAF 0002'+05A0A 02FDBB68 02FDBB60 PPC 0B7292D0 TimerPeriodical::RepeatAction(const EventRecord&)+0 006C 02FDBB48 02FDBB40 PPC 0B735A58 PL_ProcessPendingEvents+00048 02FDBB28 02FDBB20 PPC 0B728A18 TimerImpl::Fire()+00024 02FDBB18 68K 02FDBC5E 02FDBB08 02FDBB00 PPC 0C1358A8 ValidWindowRgn+00638 02FDBB00 68K 02FDBB3E 02FDBAF0 68K 02FDBB3E 02FDBAE8 02FDBAE0 PPC 0B700188 NS_NewImageRenderer+00D4C 02FDBAE4 02FDBAE0 68K 001DD96A 'scod BFAF 0002'+05A0A Displaying memory from 0 00000000 FFC1 0000 FFC1 0000 001D 7FB6 001D 7FB8 ÿÁ¥¥ÿÁ¥¥¥¥¶¥¥¸ 00000010 001D 7FBA 001D 7FBC FFC0 3378 FFC0 337A ¥¥º¥¥*ÿÀ3xÿÀ3z
crashes also at - looks like same crawl
Also if you type just "" in URL field and hit return, the app hangs. Other sites resolve properly, guessing it is part of same crash issue here for now.
Assignee: sdagley → jfrancis
Looks to be timer related so assigning to jfrancis (Master of Timer & Spaces) for a looksee.
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
fixed - see bug #2295 for comments
It ain't pretty. But it does load without crashing now wiht Jan 22 build on Mac. glynn, can you mark Verified please.
Page does load with Jan 22 build, but as hinted some items are not drawn; to be filed as another bug. Verified.
Inserting Milestone info.
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