Closed Bug 25878 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Unable to execute on a Spanish Win95b system.


(Core :: Internationalization, defect, P3)

Windows 95





(Reporter: marciales, Assigned: bobj)



(Keywords: crash, helpwanted, Whiteboard: [PDT-])

SETUP ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b414ca. Registros: EAX=0000000f CS=0137 EIP=60b414ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00000000 SS=013f ESP=00656ef0 EBP=00656ef4 ECX=00000003 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0d8f EDX=00000003 ES=013f EDI=00000200 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b4 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 00656f30 00657154 60b41be7 00d4f400 0009695c 0000000f 00656f30 0009696b 00097df8 60b41b6e 00d4f470 00657130 00000200 00656f30 00070b12 00000000 The mozregistry.dat in windows was erased. The mozilla folder in Netscape was erased before running M13 instaler...( previous version M12 was running )Setup loaded more than 700 ( dont recall if were 800 before the crash)files
Definitely not a mozbot bug. Reassigning to something at least slightly more correct.
Assignee: terry → ssu
Component: Mozbot → Installer
Product: Webtools → Browser
QA Contact: gbush
I have a feeling that this bug might have been fixed already, but just in case, can you tell me the url of where you downloaded the installer from? Also, can you try today's (or the latest) build from mozilla and see if it runs?
grace, can you see if you could reproduce this under a Win95 system too? Thanks.
Target Milestone: M14
Sean, I used the following build-which is the M13 build and installed as user described- installation was successful
After downloading again the M13 instaler, this time the system crashed before loading any file.The following error was collected: Sirs : I downloaded from the page indicated below ( the same exe - same K´s). Deleted mozreg.dat in windows, deleted Mozilla seamonkey folder in Netscape folder. Deleted link Mozilla seamonkey in startup menu. Started Set Up after closing down all windows program ( only explorer was running ) and the system crashed just before downloading a single file ( different this time ) SETUP ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b414ca. Registros: EAX=00000020 CS=0137 EIP=60b414ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00000000 SS=013f ESP=00656ae4 EBP=00656ae8 ECX=00000000 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=2967 EDX=00000000 ES=013f EDI=0001a097 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b4 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 0001a097 00656b2c 60b419fd 00cc4870 0001a097 00000020 00656b0c 0001a2a1 0001a097 00000000 0001a097 0001a067 00010030 00019fe4 00000000 0001a0e4
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
marciales, not sure why you closed this bug as won't fix. We're still looking into it. Can you tell me exactly the steps you took after you downloaded mozilla-win32-installer-M13.exe? (like which dialogs you clicked through before you saw the crash, what dialogs were left on the screen and with what messages, etc...) ps. I'm reopening this bug.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
After running M13.instaler, the system crash and left a folder in c:\Archivos de programa\Netscape\Seamonkey with an empty subfolder plugins. I run and unzip the Circle M13 binaries on top of the above Seamonkey file. I launched mozilla.exe from the \bin folder where the mozilla.exe was located:the system crashed again I deleted the mozreg.dat in c:\windows. I run the M13.instaler. The only programs running in windows were Explorer,Systray & Mctool. A blue instalation screen of Seamonkey appeared.A legend " Preparing SmartUpdate, please wait" screen appeared.Took a while. A second screen "Instaling Mozilla Seamonkey" screan appeard, and before it start loading any file, it crashed. I haven´t been able to reproduce the loadind of at least 700 files before it crashed..... One point to notice : windows 95 is in Spanish 950.b I downloaded IE5 in spanish to have the latest dll in my system, even if I dont use IE....
adding teruko to the CC: list. Teruko, do you have a Win95 B in spanish that I can try this out on?
Marciales, were there any 8-bit characters in the installation path or in the path to your user profile? You didn't type any, but for all I know that could be a bugzilla limitation so I need to check. This is known not to work, but I've never seen it crash. (, using cathleen's machine) This isn't an install wizard bug because the crash is in MOZREG.dll. It could be an XPInstall Engine bug or a XPCOM registry bug. The reason it didn't download a file is because the previous crash left the core.xpi file in the temporary directory which then fools the install stub into thinking it's a CD install and skips the download. Please get back to us about the 8-bit characters, and we'll roust up a Spanish Win95 system to try it on here in case it's a system dll problem.
Component: Installer → Installer: XPInstall Engine
Keywords: beta1
Sean, we do not have Win95 B Spanish system in IQA lab. Does this happen under Win95 B Spanish system?
I have been unable to reach as reply : "". With regard the 8 bit problem : The path to the instalation directory is : c:\Archivos de programa\Netscape\Seamonkey Notice the two blanks in "Archivos de programa", I don´t believe there is an 8-bit character in the path. The User folder was not created
Today I had about the same problem. But I solved this problem when I enabled the swap-file... But without errors, installation just dissapeared. There was created Plugin folder, but no mozregistry.dat. May be the problem is in virtual memory?
can you tell us what type of processor you have and how much ram there is on the system? Also, the installer does create an empty plugins folder and it does not create the mozregistry.dat file. The mozregistry.dat file is created by mozilla.exe's profile manager, not the installer.
Celeron 300A -> 464, 128Mb RAM.
Sirs : I have a Pentium 166 with 32M of memory.HD 6.5G. W95 in spanish 950b. The system have been updated from MS w95 page for spanish with the patches for security download of pages. Also, instaling IE5 in spanish, I know that the system actualized a lot of dll´s. I don´t use IE5 for browsing but for the above purpose. When the IE5.1 in spanish appears, I will actualize IE5. If you want information about specific dll´s in my sistem, I could provide you with the serial number, date etc.
Sirs : With all the updating of W95 in Spanish, it happens that I am runing version 4.00.1111 B .Sorry I mentioned 950b.
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
Sirs : After cleaning everything, I tried the "basic" set up and it start working. It instaled the full 801 files and at the next step it crashed The important point that the loading of files did not happen wit the "Full or custom " instalation: SETUP ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b414ca. Registros: EAX=00000009 CS=0137 EIP=60b414ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00000000 SS=013f ESP=006570e0 EBP=006570e4 ECX=00000002 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0c67 EDX=00000001 ES=013f EDI=00000200 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b4 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 00657120 00657344 60b41be7 00c2f400 0007b1fd 00000009 00657120 0007b206 0007b5fb 60b41b6e 00c2f470 00657320 00000200 00657120 00070b12 00000000
Sirs: I downloaded the latest nigthly buildup and proceed to intall mozilla. Here are the results : Set Up started to instal version It installed all the files. Open a Mozilla folder with a link to seamonkey exe. Displayed a windows with a firing dragon...!!! and crashed...... Copy of the details follows :(Remember W95 in Spanish v 4.00.1111 B ) MOZILLA ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b814ca. Registros: EAX=00000020 CS=0137 EIP=60b814ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=60644060 SS=013f ESP=0068f058 EBP=0068f05c ECX=00000000 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0c67 EDX=00000000 ES=013f EDI=00004b32 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b8 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 00004b32 0068f0a0 60b819fd 007b4590 00004b32 00000020 0068f080 00004d46 00004b32 60644060 00004b32 00004af9 00010039 00004909 00000000 00004b7f
Sirs : I forgot to mention : No mozreg.dat file in Windows folder was created.
I wonder if this is the same thing hyatt is seeing, bug 27535? Hard to tell without a stack trace. Marciales: try renaming your <windir>\nsreg.dat file to something else (when COmmunicator is not running!). Do not delete the file as it contains your Communicator 4.5+ profile information, this is just a check to see if that file is part of the problem.
Marciales: if that works then put the nsreg.dat file back where it was (or better yet, mail it to me, and delete the file components/xpiflash.dll -- that component isn't hooked up yet so its loss won't affect you for now until we can figure this out. Only remove xpiflash.dll if the nsreg.dat appears to be the problem.
Sir: First : In windows folder there were nsreg.dat ( 13/2/00 , 764K ) and nsreg.da~ (10/2/00, 645K ). I renamed nsreg.dat to and left untouched nsreg.da~ . I erased the Mozilla folder under /Archivos de programa/Netscape . I erased the startup link Mozilla seamonkey. I run again the Mozilla.32 installer and started again ; A two windows pane appear, Current instaling ; in the first window Preparing File and in the second window Copying file. Everithing went OK it created a Mozilla Seamonkey folder with a link in it; it displayed the windows with the firing dragon.... and it crashed again : MOZILLA ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b814ca. Registros: EAX=00000020 CS=0137 EIP=60b814ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=0068f5d0 SS=013f ESP=0068eb40 EBP=0068eb44 ECX=00000000 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0c4f EDX=00000000 ES=013f EDI=00004b32 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b8 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 00004b32 0068eb88 60b819fd 007b4590 00004b32 00000020 0068eb68 00004d46 00004b32 0068f5d0 00004b32 00004af9 00010039 00004909 00000000 00004b7f But now, when I went back to windows, to put nsreg.dat back , I found a third nsreg.dat newly created of 210 K. I erased this new created file, put everything back in order and I am sending you this new report...
Sir : I went back to the components folder of mozilla and moved out of it xpiflash.dll. From the start menu, Mozilla Seamonket, I click to run the application. It worked...!!!!! A new windows asking for a profile appear, and I used the sugested name mozillaseamonkey.Click next and crashed....!!!!, but for a new reason: MOZILLA provocó un fallo de página no válida en el módulo GKHTML.DLL de 0137:601d7135. Registros: EAX=0092dad0 CS=0137 EIP=601d7135 EFLGS=00010246 EBX=0092d800 SS=013f ESP=0068e49c EBP=0068e6b4 ECX=0068e6c0 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0d57 EDX=0068e6c0 ES=013f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: 01 5e 85 ff 74 1a 8b 45 fc ff 37 8b 08 50 ff 91 Volcado de pila: ff855e01 00000000 00950250 0092d800 009a83f0 00000000 606c74b2 0089d190 601d700a 601d764e 0089d190 0092d14c 0068e77c 0092d158 601b7f07 008e5590 We are getting closer. Anything else I could do?
Sirs: Rewriting the report: I went back to the components folder of mozilla and moved away xpiflash.dll . I started from the start up mozilla folder the application and it worked !!!. A new windows appear asking for a profile. I used the sugested name mozprof or something. Click enter, and it crashed...!!!! but for a new reason : MOZILLA provocó un fallo de página no válida en el módulo GKHTML.DLL de 0137:601d7135. Registros: EAX=0092dad0 CS=0137 EIP=601d7135 EFLGS=00010246 EBX=0092d800 SS=013f ESP=0068e49c EBP=0068e6b4 ECX=0068e6c0 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0d57 EDX=0068e6c0 ES=013f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: 01 5e 85 ff 74 1a 8b 45 fc ff 37 8b 08 50 ff 91 Volcado de pila: ff855e01 00000000 00950250 0092d800 009a83f0 00000000 606c74b2 0089d190 601d700a 601d764e 0089d190 0092d14c 0068e77c 0092d158 601b7f07 008e5590 Looks that we are getting closer. Any new indication you would like me to do ?
Sir : I went back to windows folder and erased mozreg.dat. Started again mozilla seamonkey and it worked asking me in "Create new profile window" for at least one profile. I gave a new name "Alberto" click finish, worked a little and crashed. But this time it crashed not in gecko but in Mozreg as you can appreciate : MOZILLA ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b814ca. Registros: EAX=00000020 CS=0137 EIP=60b814ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=01068a70 SS=013f ESP=0068e4cc EBP=0068e4d0 ECX=00000000 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0d47 EDX=00000000 ES=013f EDI=00000158 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b8 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 008231b0 0068e514 60b819fd 008212a0 00000158 00000020 0068e4f4 00000000 008231b0 01068a70 00000158 0000014f 00010009 00000000 0000038a 000001eb
New findings: With the previous run of Mozilla Seamonkey, I created two folders under User50 folder : Alberto and Mozilla. If I try again to run mozilla Seamonkey, it takes me alwways to the windows for creating a new profile. In that window I click "change folder" and an like windows explorer new window appears. then I go to User 50 and select one of the profiles I find in there, for instance Alberto and click OK. At this moment the system crash : MOZILLA provocó un fallo de página no válida en el módulo GKHTML.DLL de 0137:60188838. Registros: EAX=00000000 CS=0137 EIP=60188838 EFLGS=00010206 EBX=0068d6c8 SS=013f ESP=0068d648 EBP=0068d66c ECX=0068d684 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=111f EDX=01030750 ES=013f EDI=00725388 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: ff 50 28 85 c0 75 67 8b 45 18 3b c6 74 60 8b 08 Volcado de pila: 00725388 0068d684 0068da10 0072531c 0068d6c8 0072531c 00000004 00000000 0072531c 0068d848 60188590 00ef82f0 0101aab0 0068da10 0068d870 00000000 This crash is the same no matter which folder is selected. The curious thing is that starting mozilla Seamonkey alwways try to create a profile....
Sirs : I am sending this report from Mozilla Build ID : 2000021216 . The only new thing I did was to enter again in the create profile the name of the already existing MozProfile , click finish, and then Mozilla came up. But, going back to Netscape to find the number of the bug, when I tried again to run Mozilla, it crashet (mozreg.dll). Then, I reestarted Windows, and started Mozilla seamonkey from the startup menu. This time, it went directly to Mozilla, without going trough the flaming dragon or the create profile window...
marciales, the 'change folder' crash in your comments of 2/13 is a known bug 27573. This appears to be something besides an installer bug - would you try the following? 1. do nothing to current installation of mozilla 2. but delete mozregistry.dat in c:\windows and delete users50 and all subfolders. ( I do this daily to test both installation and profiles) 3. run mozilla - you should see the Create Profile Wizard- choose defaults and press finish (avoid change folder button for now) 4. record what happens from here. I am trying to eliminate custom choices to narrow down what is causing the problem. Thanks
Did you tryed zipped build?
When Mozilla crashes ( ) , the only way to reestart Mozilla is to reestart windows also....
Sir : I erased the User 50 folder.I deleted de mozreg.dat. Started Mozillaseamonkey; it went trugh de firing dragon and the profile set up window.Choose the standard as indicated, and the system crashed : MOZILLA provocó un fallo de página no válida en el módulo GKHTML.DLL de 0137:601d713e. Registros: EAX=008bf3d0 CS=0137 EIP=601d713e EFLGS=00010202 EBX=0090d7a0 SS=013f ESP=0068e4a0 EBP=0068e6b4 ECX=0068e6c0 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0d37 EDX=0068e6c0 ES=013f EDI=00000001 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: ff 37 8b 08 50 ff 91 98 00 00 00 83 f8 01 74 05 Volcado de pila: 00000000 00940570 0090d7a0 009897a0 00000000 606c74b2 00847850 601d700a 601d764e 00847850 0090d0ec 0068e77c 0090d0f8 601b7f07 008bfe20 0097b330 Hope this will help.
Now in Mozilla..... Without changing anything since the last crash, I reestarted windows 95, and from the startup menu launched Mozilla seamonkey. After the dragon, mozilla started directly, and now I am reporting what happen...
thanks for the tests - at least you are now running...sorry for my delay in responding. I don't think this is an installation problem - or profile manager problem-since you are running with a profile. The gkhtml file belongs to layout. Sean, should this be reassigned?
Sir : I downloaded the last nightly release, which came as zip. Unziped it and it went right trough the firing dragon, ask for a new profile, and good, it went mozilla without problem... the name of the build is 2000022108.
Sirs : I loaded build 2000022908, and got the following result : When unziping the build in "/Archivos de programa/Netscape" the build did´n create the Seamonkey folder, instead, it created the /bin folder under /Netscape A previous User50 with mozreg user was renamed to mozreg-1.It created a new mozreguser. After creating the link to moz.exe , I run the program, but after the loading of the main window, it crashed : MOZILLA provocó un fallo de página no válida en el módulo GKHTML.DLL de 0137:601e7a3a. Registros: EAX=00f7d410 CS=0137 EIP=601e7a3a EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00f81888 SS=013f ESP=0068eef0 EBP=0068f10c ECX=0068f118 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0cd7 EDX=0068f118 ES=013f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: 01 5e 85 ff 74 1a 8b 45 fc ff 37 8b 08 50 ff 91 Volcado de pila: ff855e01 00f8187c 0068f1ac 00f81888 8159f500 01216c70 780012b1 78037118 0068ef54 7800cc37 00000009 7800cc27 01215ac8 0088a780 0088a780 780012d9
Blocks: 30247
*** Bug 30247 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Could this BUG only depend on unsufficiant hardware resources? Marciales used a Pentium I 166MHz 32MB RAM 6.5GB HD I used a 80486 133MHz 16 MB RAM 1.5GB HD??
Could it be useful to uninstall NC4.7 before installing mozilla-m-13?(Browser-Conflict with NS4.7?) Why is coming a Window with "Preparing <<SmartUpdate>> please wait"?? Why "SmartUpdate"? I search for mozreg*.dat and for nsreg*.dat and nsreg~.dat and rename them. Then nothing may be there any more an no <<Update>> message may come.
The "SmartUpdate" in the message is wrong. It is at that stage unpacking the mozilla xpcom core files and the XPInstall engine. Nothing to do with 4.x whatsoever, just a confusing choice of words (which is supposed to be fixed for beta I believe).
Sirs : I move on to a newer nightly release. First I went to the build 200003058 , which prove to be very unstable and slow. At present I am using build 2000030516 which is more stable. With the late builds , there is no instalation squeme. It goes directly to the mozilla windows and creates a new profile ( you have to delete mozreg.dat etc ) Mozilla still crashes but in navigation windows ( applying links inside links always crashes mozilla; I had one crash with Netscape URL and with ;I think people at Mozilla must be very busy, but finally we will be a step closer to final browser....
Dear marciales, Does that really mean, that the BUG#25878 would be dead???? I can't believe it!!!! Does the mozilla really got installed by the new build of the installer.exe???? That would be a very very big landmark between the latest milestone (14) and the next (15)!!! If it would be so, can you say me the download URL of the build 200003058 (1Digit missing?) 2000030516 to get them and to tell it to the redaction of the JAVA-Magazine? Thanks a lot! - Then time for XUL will be near.
Sirs : I have downloaded builds 2000030508 and 2000030516 with the last one working more or less acceptable. Then I loaded nightly build of 03/10/00 and lately the 03/13/00 neither of them got instaled. With the last one, after few seconds of showing the firing dragon the system crashes : MOZILLA ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b614ca. Registros: EAX=00000020 CS=0137 EIP=60b614ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=008755c0 SS=013f ESP=0068eff8 EBP=0068effc ECX=00000000 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0e07 EDX=00000000 ES=013f EDI=000002f6 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b6 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 000002f6 0068f040 60b61a07 007b45c0 000002f6 00000020 0068f020 00000000 000002f6 008755c0 000002f6 000002cf 00010027 000005c0 00000000 0000040e I can not pass the instalation in the last two builds....( I mean by instalation, the appearance of the Mozilla window or browser...)
With a diff in the source of the install-routine of these two builds (03rd March and 10th March): What is there? Is that the spoil? Or is in the build of 03rd March the BUG only passed by? If NOT: Sirs of Mozilla: Can you please upload on the server: the diff file of these sources?? Thanks!
Sirs : I downloaded the last night build : 14 Marz 2000. I erased /netscape/bin ; I erased /windows/mozregistry.dat. I reestarted windows ; closed all background programs ( antivirus etc ) only explorer and systray were working. I launched /netscape/bin/mozilla.exe The instalation crashed as it has been with the last 3 nightly builds : MOZILLA ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b614ca. Registros: EAX=00000020 CS=0137 EIP=60b614ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=0087be70 SS=013f ESP=0068eff8 EBP=0068effc ECX=00000000 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0c4f EDX=00000000 ES=013f EDI=000004db GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b6 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 000004db 0068f040 60b61a07 007b45c0 000004db 00000020 0068f020 00000000 000004db 0087be70 000004db 000004cb 00010010 00000789 00000000 00000579 My last succesful instalation happen with the 2000030516 build
We are not seeing this on domestic builds. Does international see this problem?
Assignee: ssu → rchen
Component: Installer: XPInstall Engine → Localization
QA Contact: gbush → teruko
Could it be an ASCII-7bit vice versa ASCII-8bit corruption?? Continental-European-Languages-WIN95-Editions use 8th-bit ASCII Symbols(e.g. ó,ü,ö,ä,é,ê,è,á,à,ß,...). Could that be the problem, that the riddle is at MS??
Sirs: Do you have already uploaded the diff-file of both sources (build of 3rd March and buid of 10th March) on the server If yes on which directory (on ftp, the feature "find -name '...' -print" doesn't work)? Then I can see, if an ASCII-7 vs. v. ASCII-8 data-corruption could be the problem or not.
We package source for particular milestone builds, but for everything else you need to use CVS. To peruse the difference in source between two dates you can use the on-line CVS Query Tool, linked from bonsai. The specific place mozilla died is not all that helpful, we need a stack trace. I strongly urge you to install a build "with talkback" which will send us a stack trace when you crash. Please note the ID number in the talkback window and add it into the bug so we can find it in the database. Thanks!
Sirs: new advance. First : W95 with only explorer and systray running .( no antivirus etc ) Second : I downloaded the .exe program of 17/March . I must mention, that the downloads I tried before were all the programs wich when unzipped created directories different than the created with the .exe program. The zip files were located at "Archivos de programa/Netscape/bin" and the User50 folder was inside the /bin folder. So all the reports of failure to create the Mozilla browser, reffers to the last mentioned condition. Third: I excuted the .exe instaler program A blue Mozilla Sea Monkey Set up Build window appear. After giving all data, a Mozilla Sea Monkey instalation window appear :First window (Currently instaling Mozilla Seamonkey ) monitored the instalation process. Second window , monitored all the download of files ( complete instalation ). The process finished creating two windows : First, "Mozilla Seamonkey" with two links inside : Mozilla Sea Monkey and Profile Manager. Second : A firing dragon, that started a few seconds and finaly crashed...!!!! Then I tried the following : In the mozilla Seamonkey ( it didn´t go out ) I click the profile link; The system crash again. Then I click the Mozilla link, and it went trough up to the window "Create Profile " ; I gave the sugested name "Default User" and click finish. The location of Default User was "Archivos de programa\Netscape\User50\Default User ( notice this is different than the build comming from the zip program ) Then : the system crashed : MOZILLA provocó un fallo de página no válida en el módulo GKHTML.DLL de 0137:601e8f3a. Registros: EAX=010cd0f0 CS=0137 EIP=601e8f3a EFLGS=00010246 EBX=010cc4f0 SS=013f ESP=0068e8b4 EBP=0068ead0 ECX=0068eadc DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0d4f EDX=010cd118 ES=013f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: 01 5e 85 ff 74 1a 8b 45 fc ff 37 8b 08 50 ff 91 Volcado de pila: ff855e01 00000000 009722c0 010cc4f0 010cc3f4 60c5d1db 010cc3f4 00000000 00000001 601e8f74 009722c0 010cbf9c 0068eb98 010cbfa8 010cbca0 60c5988b
Not a localization issue. Change Component to Browser-General.
Component: Localization → Browser-General
Sirs : After the last crash without loading the browser, I tried again the link to mozilla and this time the browser came in, loading the page. I was to report the new from bugzilla, call the bug 25878 ; the bug showed in the window and then the browser crashed : MOZILLA provocó un fallo de página no válida en el módulo GKHTML.DLL de 0137:601e8f3a. Registros: EAX=00f4b0a0 CS=0137 EIP=601e8f3a EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00fe1728 SS=013f ESP=0068f128 EBP=0068f344 ECX=0068f350 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=0dd7 EDX=0068f350 ES=013f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: 01 5e 85 ff 74 1a 8b 45 fc ff 37 8b 08 50 ff 91 Volcado de pila: ff855e01 00fe171c 0068f3e4 00fe1728 0068f938 0068f978 0106d920 00000001 00000000 00000001 00ea8830 00000000 00ee9f18 00000000 0068f184 601e8d28 These last two reports happened in the last 10 minutes.
Component: Browser-General → Localization
Not a L10N issue. Reassigned to dveditz. If not right, please pass it to the right person.
Assignee: rchen → dveditz
Component: Localization → Browser-General
Reassigning to i18n as this seems to happen only on this win95 Spanish system. Without a talkback trace there really isn't anything we can do until we find a system that can reproduce the problem. Maybe the i18n group has one.
Assignee: dveditz → ftang
Component: Browser-General → Internationalization
Summary: Unable to execute the M13.instaler.exe → Unable to execute on a Spanish Win95b system.
Sir : 1- It seems that the builds coming out of and mozilla-win32-instaler.exe are diferent. The directory structure are different, and I wonder if some path conflict arises to make the zip build to fail and the exe build to "work" (+-) 2- the exe build "works" with some bugs : first crashes in the instalation; second crash in the profile set up; third crash in the browser itself due to gecko... 3- If you want some data, tell me what could I do; but if the system does not install, there is nothing I could do to trace values....
It looks like you have not tried to install the .zip file "with talkback" version. Using the talkback version will give us additional information during a crash (won't help with the installer version, however). You could also try running Dr. Watson to trap these errors and get us more information. I know Dr. Watson is on the Start menu under Program | Accessories on Win98. I'm not sure about Win95, but it was present in Win 3.1 so it should be there also. In your windows "system" directory look for drwatson.exe or drwtsn32.exe, you should be able to just run those files.
Sirs : I erased everything as usual. I am monitoring the crash with Nuts&Bolts Bombshelter. I am using date 15/mar/00 and unzip the files. A directory /bin was created. In it, I launched mozilla.exe , and a firing dragon windows appeared. The instalation crashed. The monitor gives the following data : MOZILLA ejecutó una instrucción no válida en el módulo MOZREG.DLL de 0137:60b614ca. Registros: EAX=00000020 CS=0137 EIP=60b614ca EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00000000 SS=013f ESP=0068f0b8 EBP=0068f0bc ECX=00000000 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=10c7 EDX=00000000 ES=013f EDI=000004db GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: c6 7d 18 ff 15 6c 60 b6 60 8b f0 81 ee 91 e8 ff Volcado de pila: 000004db 0068f100 60b61a07 007b45c0 000004db 00000020 0068f0e0 00000000 000004db 00000000 000004db 000004cb 00010010 00000789 00000000 00000579 The instalation failed. No profile windows....
Sirs : I erased the zip instalation and related files in windows/system. Reinstaled the instaler.exe. Everything went OK, including ( didn´t happen before ) "The select User profiles " showing the Netscape profiles I have.... I choose one and a window asking for translation to the new format appeared. Click OK and the translation was made and I laaunched SeaMonkey from that window. ( Never happen before ) I started navigating with the selected profile.... It worked fine until it crasheh when I click "help" "about mozilla" in the main window : MOZILLA provocó un fallo de página no válida en el módulo GKHTML.DLL de 0137:601e8f3a. Registros: EAX=01033ed0 CS=0137 EIP=601e8f3a EFLGS=00010246 EBX=01033828 SS=013f ESP=0068d8a0 EBP=0068dabc ECX=0068dac8 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=35ef EDX=0068dac8 ES=013f EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes en CS:EIP: 01 5e 85 ff 74 1a 8b 45 fc ff 37 8b 08 50 ff 91 Volcado de pila: ff855e01 0103381c 0068db5c 01033828 008961c0 00000000 0077fd08 00000001 0068d95c 60af4c86 008961c0 0068d948 00000001 0068f0d0 008961c0 00000000
If you see the firing dragon then Mozilla has actually started, the crash is no longer in the installer. The advantage of Dr. Watson or talkback (please, PLEASE install the talkback version!!!) is that we will get information about the call stack. The actual address of the crash is not that interesting, what we need to know is what routines are *calling* the low-level routine and passing bad data. Talkback is preferred because it's hooked into a system that cross-references the crash data with symbolic information.
Assignee: ftang → dveditz
reassign back to dveditz. This is not crash inside i18n functionality. Also, the original crash gone. Please close this bug and file a new bug for the new problem. Please do not *recycle* bug report, otherwise, it will be very difficult to track the bug.
I agree that there are two different problems described in this bug which is confusing, but the original crash in mozreg.dll has NOT gone away. A new bug should be written for the GKHTML.DLL crash. It may not be crashing in explicit i18n functionality, but the mozreg.dll crash *IS* unique (as far as we know) to a Spanish system so i18n expertise would be helpful. The GKHTML.DLL crash may be a duplicate, but that one should go into a different bug anyway.
Assignee: dveditz → nobody
Keywords: helpwanted
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: crash
Reassigning to default owner and moving from m14 to no milestone. This bug was owned by Critical bugs shouldn't be owned by nobody even if it is helpwanted
Assignee: nobody → ftang
Target Milestone: M14 → ---
Bob- please help.
Assignee: ftang → bobj
We need a stack trace so we can try to figure out what's going on? A talkback report would provide that as well as DLL info., Can you provide us a talkback report? teruko or msanz, Do we have a Spanish W95 system that you use to try and reproduce this?
It would be helpful to think, if BUG#25878 and BUG#30247 would be identical. Then it would be an encoding problem of ASCII7/ASCII8 data-corruption. Then it would be helpful to look in the *UCONV.DLL* and in the UCONV.XPT and escially in the section ns|CurrentCharactersetListener in a function with a short name (e.g listener()) could reside the BUG.
Bug 30247 looks suspiciously like the firewall software related bugs. On 2000-04-11 11:40 I added this comment to bug 30247: Are you running some firewall software like ZoneAlarm or WinGate? See bug 28403 and other related bugs., For this bug, it would be a great help if you could run with talkback enabled and try to generate a stack trace. That is the best next step in trying to pinpoint what's happening. Thanks.
Sirs : I downloaded the zip file with quality feedback agent and tried to install Mozilla : I had to rename mozregistry.dat coming from Netscape 6.0, in order to have a clean /windows folder. Mozilla refused to install. The firing dragon and crash..Tried several options : reestarting W95, erasing mozregistry.dat ( 0K file ) and always crashed in mozregistry...Then, I renamed back the Nestcape 6.0 Mozregistry.dat and launched seamonkey.exe from /bin folder, and Seamonkey instaled with a profile already ready (proxies etc ). Browsing was not well enough : URL´s typed did not load at return; I had to return several times or reload the page to have it working. After some browsing, I loaded the problematic URL : , and the system crashed as usual... but this time with the quality feedback agent, I sent it to Netscape (¿?) as sugested by the friends of Mozilla.... Hope this will help. This bug is also related to # 30372, 31291 , as I have it reported before. Please make this comment available to the above mentioned bugs.
we will install Win95 Spanish in the lab and will try to reproduce the problem. Dan, do you want to be notified when we have the system running? You probably understand this bug better than no one else by now...
OK, I have a Spanish Win 95 set up. Who wants to try this bug? Marcial, can you try with a later build? The last one that I can see in the bug report if M13, am I correct? sent email to that said he cannot reproduce this on later builds. Resolving this WORKSFORME.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
From bob's comment. I verified as worksforme.
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