Closed Bug 29169 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Installer: text/calcs for sizes are correct?


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kevinyen, Assigned: ssu0262)


(Keywords: relnote, Whiteboard: [PDT-])

When running installer in Custom and selecting only Navigator, the stated size of Navigator is 4.051MB. While in the box in the lower half "Total Download Size" is 5.424MB. What is the true Nav only download size? And to phrase it another way, can we get a Nav only that is 4MB? thx, kevin
Sorry, meant to mark beta1, not pdt+.
Keywords: beta1
Sean, is this because you're calculating the cluster size on disk, to reflect the actual space required on hard drive?
no, this is because it also adds in the invisible core.xpi. The description indicates the "total download size", not necessarily what is selected. Perhaps the description needs to be changed?
That's true! core.xpi is an essential part of browser.xpi. We seperated those files out of browser package is so we can quickly initialize XPInstall to perform installation work. We can either change the description or make the download size to reflect core.xpi. I'd say which ever is easier. :-)
I'd say we should just add the size to browser.xpi for now, given that browser will be the only stand-alone install.
Sure, I'm fine with that! :-) Sean, is this much more work to do?
per PDT, marketing says this is a really important demo, but we'd like to have more info on risk/cost before making a decision.
Whiteboard: [NEED INFO]
Adding the size to the browser it not that trivial. It would require coding dependencies with respect to component sizes. My proposal would be one of the following: 1) show only download sizes of visible components 2) change the description text for the total download size. The first one requires updating code (but easier than what Michael proposed). The second is a trivial text change.
lets do the second. I'll propose some text. Assigning bug to me in the meantime. I'll come up with this over the weekend.
Assignee: ssu → michaell
Keywords: relnote
Whiteboard: [NEED INFO] → [PDT+]
Setting to PDT- We can get this right before FCS, but shouldn't hold beta for this.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] → [PDT-]
Michael -- Does this impact the Reviewer's Guide? thx, kevin
We just need an accurate size to report. I'll find out from Sean.
I never assigned this to Sean. Assigning and marking fixed. We should create a new bug to have Nav be an always installed and checked by default component.
Assignee: michaell → ssu
remove the size of each individual component in custom panel as users select each component, the size gets added to the totoal download size. update string to reflect total download size, instead of total install size. bug meeting 3/20 setting to M15
Target Milestone: M15
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified in build 2000041706
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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