Bug 34182
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
assertions galore in nsScriptError::AddRef() because ref count not initialized
(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: sspitzer, Assigned: mike+mozilla)
I'm getting these assertsion all the time (see below).
I think the following patch will fix it:
Index: nsScriptError.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/components/console/nsScriptError.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -p -r1.2 nsScriptError.cpp
*** nsScriptError.cpp 2000/03/30 09:40:11 1.2
--- nsScriptError.cpp 2000/04/01 09:29:17
*** 30,36 ****
NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS2(nsScriptError, nsIConsoleMessage,
! nsScriptError::nsScriptError() {};
nsScriptError::~nsScriptError() {};
// nsIConsoleMessage methods
--- 30,40 ----
NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS2(nsScriptError, nsIConsoleMessage,
! nsScriptError::nsScriptError()
! {
! }
nsScriptError::~nsScriptError() {};
// nsIConsoleMessage methods
NTDLL! 77f7629c()
nsDebug::Assertion(const char * 0x0342687c, const char * 0x03426864, const char
* 0x03426824, int 31) line 189 + 13 bytes
nsDebug::PreCondition(const char * 0x0342687c, const char * 0x03426864, const
char * 0x03426824, int 31) line 282 + 21 bytes
nsScriptError::AddRef(nsScriptError * const 0x048196a0) line 31 + 36 bytes
nsScriptErrorConstructor(nsISupports * 0x00000000, const nsID & {...}, void * *
0x0012e100) line 29 + 141 bytes
nsGenericFactory::CreateInstance(nsGenericFactory * const 0x033aa8d0,
nsISupports * 0x00000000, const nsID & {...}, void * * 0x0012e100) line 48
nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstance(nsComponentManagerImpl * const
0x00c54520, const nsID & {...}, nsISupports * 0x00000000, const nsID & {...},
void * * 0x0012e100) line 1156 + 24 bytes
nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstanceByProgID(nsComponentManagerImpl * const
0x00c54520, const char * 0x0038e8a4, nsISupports * 0x00000000, const nsID &
{...}, void * * 0x0012e100) line 1196
nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(const char * 0x0038e8a4, nsISupports *
0x00000000, const nsID & {...}, void * * 0x0012e100) line 94
nsCreateInstanceByProgID::operator()(const nsID & {...}, void * * 0x0012e100)
line 122 + 27 bytes
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptError>::assign_from_helper(const nsCOMPtr_helper & {...},
const nsID & {...}) line 825 + 18 bytes
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptError>::nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptError>(const nsCOMPtr_helper &
{...}) line 528
nsDocShell::ReportScriptError(nsDocShell * const 0x024f8808, const char *
0x04819910, const char * 0x00000000, int 0, const char * 0x00000000) line 1939
NS_ScriptErrorReporter(JSContext * 0x0202f450, const char * 0x04819910,
JSErrorReport * 0x0481f160) line 101
js_ReportErrorAgain(JSContext * 0x0202f450, const char * 0x048190c0,
JSErrorReport * 0x0481f160) line 557 + 21 bytes
js_ReportUncaughtException(JSContext * 0x0202f450) line 665 + 17 bytes
JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext * 0x0202f450, JSObject * 0x02209b38, long
35691328, unsigned int 1, long * 0x0012e54c, long * 0x0012e4f8) line 2796 + 9
nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(nsJSContext * const 0x0202f130, void * 0x02209b38,
void * 0x02209b40, unsigned int 1, void * 0x0012e54c, int * 0x0012e548) line 730
+ 33 bytes
nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent * 0x048194d4) line 128 + 57 bytes
nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType(nsListenerStruct * 0x02b43d90,
nsIDOMEvent * 0x048194d4, unsigned int 8, unsigned int 7) line 703 + 19 bytes
nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x0202f6a0, nsEvent *
0x0012ea7c, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012ea48, unsigned int 7, nsEventStatus *
0x0012eac0) line 1474 + 35 bytes
nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsXULElement * const 0x02b42240, nsIPresContext *
0x0202f6a0, nsEvent * 0x0012ea7c, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012ea48, unsigned int 1,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012eac0) line 3207
nsMenuFrame::Execute() line 1272
nsMenuFrame::Enter(nsMenuFrame * const 0x022900a0) line 949
nsMenuPopupFrame::ShortcutNavigation(nsMenuPopupFrame * const 0x021c6274,
unsigned int 115, int & 1) line 990
nsMenuListener::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent * 0x04819534) line 157
nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent *
0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4, nsEventStatus *
0x0012f58c) line 1022 + 17 bytes
nsXULDocument::HandleDOMEvent(nsXULDocument * const 0x0201b6d0, nsIPresContext *
0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 1967
nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsXULElement * const 0x02983f90, nsIPresContext *
0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 3198 + 39 bytes
nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsXULElement * const 0x02bd1070, nsIPresContext *
0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 3196
nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsXULElement * const 0x02bd2cf0, nsIPresContext *
0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 3196
nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsXULElement * const 0x02bd2590, nsIPresContext *
0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 3196
nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsXULElement * const 0x02bd20a0, nsIPresContext *
0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 3196
nsXULElement::HandleChromeEvent(nsXULElement * const 0x02bd20c8, nsIPresContext
* 0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 4329 + 39 bytes
GlobalWindowImpl::HandleDOMEvent(GlobalWindowImpl * const 0x02ed6260,
nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8,
unsigned int 4, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 376
nsDocument::HandleDOMEvent(nsDocument * const 0x047d6980, nsIPresContext *
0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 2576
nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent *
0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4, nsEventStatus *
0x0012f58c) line 1022
nsHTMLHtmlElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLHtmlElement * const 0x047d2b98,
nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8,
unsigned int 4, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 187
nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent *
0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4, nsEventStatus *
0x0012f58c) line 1012
nsHTMLBodyElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLBodyElement * const 0x0497d268,
nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8,
unsigned int 4, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 849
nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent *
0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 4, nsEventStatus *
0x0012f58c) line 1012
nsHTMLFormElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLFormElement * const 0x03ce031c,
nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8,
unsigned int 4, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 466
nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent *
0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f4a8, unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus *
0x0012f58c) line 1012
nsHTMLTextAreaElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLTextAreaElement * const 0x044a584c,
nsIPresContext * 0x047d0330, nsEvent * 0x0012f548, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x00000000,
unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f58c) line 536
nsEnderEventListener::KeyPress(nsIDOMEvent * 0x0481f514) line 3782 + 62 bytes
nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x046ccf00, nsEvent *
0x0012fabc, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f80c, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus *
0x0012fa24) line 1022 + 17 bytes
nsDocument::HandleDOMEvent(nsDocument * const 0x046ce8f0, nsIPresContext *
0x046ccf00, nsEvent * 0x0012fabc, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f80c, unsigned int 2,
nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24) line 2579
nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x046ccf00, nsEvent *
0x0012fabc, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f80c, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus *
0x0012fa24) line 1042 + 39 bytes
nsHTMLHtmlElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLHtmlElement * const 0x046ce628,
nsIPresContext * 0x046ccf00, nsEvent * 0x0012fabc, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f80c,
unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24) line 187
nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x046ccf00, nsEvent *
0x0012fabc, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f80c, unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus *
0x0012fa24) line 1035 + 39 bytes
nsHTMLBodyElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLBodyElement * const 0x046ce558,
nsIPresContext * 0x046ccf00, nsEvent * 0x0012fabc, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f80c,
unsigned int 2, nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24) line 849
nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * 0x046ccf00, nsEvent *
0x0012fabc, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f80c, unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus *
0x0012fa24) line 1035 + 39 bytes
nsHTMLBRElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsHTMLBRElement * const 0x047c4a68,
nsIPresContext * 0x046ccf00, nsEvent * 0x0012fabc, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x00000000,
unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24) line 214
PresShell::HandleEvent(PresShell * const 0x047948c4, nsIView * 0x047b52a0,
nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fabc, nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24, int & 1) line 3441 + 39
nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x047b52a0, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fabc, unsigned
int 8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24, int & 1) line 811
nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x047b6950, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fabc, unsigned
int 8, nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24, int & 1) line 784
nsView::HandleEvent(nsView * const 0x04795d00, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fabc, unsigned
int 28, nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24, int & 1) line 784
nsViewManager2::DispatchEvent(nsViewManager2 * const 0x04795ee0, nsGUIEvent *
0x0012fabc, nsEventStatus * 0x0012fa24) line 1349
HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fabc) line 69
nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsWindow * const 0x047b58b4, nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fabc,
nsEventStatus & nsEventStatus_eIgnore) line 498 + 10 bytes
nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent * 0x0012fabc) line 519
nsWindow::DispatchKeyEvent(unsigned int 131, unsigned short 115, unsigned int 0)
line 1903 + 15 bytes
nsWindow::OnChar(unsigned int 115, unsigned int 0, unsigned char 0) line 2009
nsWindow::ProcessMessage(unsigned int 258, unsigned int 115, long 2031617, long
* 0x0012fd94) line 2165 + 33 bytes
nsWindow::WindowProc(HWND__ * 0x00010292, unsigned int 258, unsigned int 115,
long 2031617) line 676 + 27 bytes
USER32! 77e71820()
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•25 years ago
I checked in the fix. it was the right thing to do. I also checked in a
similar fix to nsConsoleMessage.cpp reviewed the changes.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•25 years ago
adding cls to the cc list.
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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