Closed Bug 35209 Opened 25 years ago Closed 23 years ago - Counter displays incorrectly at site


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: bc)




[Build ID: 2000040808] At the very bottom of the URL is a counter that appears to be running off a CGI script. The source of the IMG tag is as follows: src=" FileName=CSCIntermediateXML&Txt=You%20are%20visitor%20number%20%%d%20today,% 20and%20number%20%%d%20since% 2011/30/99.&FontName=Arial&FontSize=10&FontColor=clBlack&Backgro undColor=$00BFFFFF" In both IE 5.x and NS 4.x the counter displays as it should: "You are visitor number 142 today, and number 890 since 11/30/99." (numbers used are for example only). However, in Mozilla it appears as this: "You are visitor number %d today, and number %d since 11/30/99." I can't tell whether this is a problem on their end, say with reading my user agent/determining my browser and so forth, or if this is a Moz problem. I also see a mention of XML in the FileName field that's being passed to CounterCGI.exe Can anyone with a bit more knowledge in this area provide some insight as to what may be happening here? Sorry for putting it under Parser, I don't fully understand the problem so I may have chosen the incorrect component. Feel free to change it.
ack, don't know how that got changed to DOM Viewer. setting component as Parser, reassigning and changing QA
Assignee: alecf → rickg
Component: DOM Viewer → Parser
QA Contact: sspitzer → janc
it seems as if the correct values aren't being passed back and, as such, the initial variables (%d) are being displayed.
This seems to happen because the "%%" (i.e., and esapced "%" character) gets turned into "%25%25" (i.e., two encoded "%" characters). What the page source says: You%20are%20visitor%20number%20%%d%20today What Mozilla turns it into: You%20are%20visitor%20number%20%25%25d%20today Seems to be a problem with URL encoding. -> Networking
Assignee: rickg → gagan
Component: Parser → Networking
QA Contact: janc → tever
=> andreas
Assignee: gagan → andreas.otte
Target Milestone: --- → M16
RFC 2396 clearly says: Because the percent "%" character always has the reserved purpose of being the escape indicator, it must be escaped as "%25" in order to be used as data within a URI. Mozilla trys to correct the wrong URI and does a correct encoding. I don't think this is the reason for the problem.
Okay, it is the reason, I just tried it without escaping the % characters. But I still think it's a problem of the CGI script. It does not unescape the URI when interpreting it as it should. To comply with rfc 2396 we have to escape the %%d into %25%25d. I see absolutely no reason to change that.
But then again if I try the counter URL in the urlbar it works just fine, so the %%d to %25%25d conversion can't be the reason.
Correction: It does display the standard text, not the userdefined text in this page.
Unless someone speaks up I will mark this bug invalid. The cgi script seems to have problems with escaped %, it has to be fixed.
marking invalid, fix the cgi-script.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
reassigning to evangelism so we can work with Borland to fix the problem...
Component: Networking → Evangelism
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Assignee: andreas.otte → blakeross
QA Contact: tever → zach
-> for my evangelism bugs. removing the now-depreciated evangelism-related keywords. setting platform to All.
Assignee: blakeross → evangelism
Clearing very old milestone (M16) in hope of reevaluation.
Target Milestone: M16 → ---
Reassigning evangelism bugs to
Assignee: evangelism → bclary
Summary: Counter displays incorrectly at site → - Counter displays incorrectly at site
This problem would be fixed if the fix for bug 61269 is checked in. The counter displays correctly with the patch applied that drops the %-encoding in some cases.
Depends on: 61269
All Evangelism Bugs are now in the Product Tech Evangelism. See bug 86997 for details.
Component: Evangelism → US English
Product: Browser → Tech Evangelism
Version: other → unspecified
The counter is now working, not because it was fixed, but because the fix for bug 61269 was checked in. The counter used a common minimal violation of the rfc 2396, which we now mimic.
Bug should be marked as fixed. And verified.
right, this is fixed in 0.9.7
Closed: 25 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified 2002022703/WinXP
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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