Closed Bug 423 Opened 26 years ago Closed 24 years ago

[CORE} NavCenter tries to update after closing


(MozillaClassic Graveyard :: XFE, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: waider, Assigned: slamm)


Created by Ronan Waide ( on Thursday, June 4, 1998 10:01:25 AM PDT Additional Details : Open NavCenter, close it again, then go browsing. mozilla will shortly fall over with the core dump below. It appears to be attempting to update the closed navcenter window. #0 0xef5ba470 in XtIsSubclass () #1 0x281024 in WidgetToTree (w=0x0, funcname=0x780f78 "XmLTreeAddRows()") at Tree.c:1255 #2 0x2811a8 in XmLTreeAddRows (w=0x0, rows=0xefffb818, count=1, position=2) at Tree.c:1310 #3 0x28115c in XmLTreeAddRow (w=0x0, level=1, expands=0 '\000', isExpanded=0 '\000', position=2, pixmap=62915614, pixmask=62915616, string=0xbf7840 "ß\200\006#\001\tISO8859-1\002\026Antipatico's Home Page") at Tree.c:1296 #4 0x201020 in XFE_RDFView::add_row (this=0xc46900, node=0xc08200) at RDFView.cpp:625 #5 0x2009a4 in XFE_RDFView::notify (this=0xc46900, ns=0xc495e0, n=0xc08200, whatHappened=1) at RDFView.cpp:449 #6 0x1c8d04 in XFE_NavCenterView::notify (this=0xc56180, ns=0xc495e0, n=0xc08200, whatHappened=1) at NavCenterView.cpp:203 #7 0x1c8b8c in notify_cb (ns=0xc495e0, n=0xc08200, whatHappened=1) at NavCenterView.cpp:154 #8 0x3735b8 in sendNotification (node=0xc08200, whatHappened=1) at ht.c:1717 #9 0x370ee8 in refreshItemList (node=0xc08200, whatHappened=1) at ht.c:900 #10 0x374eac in addContainerItem (container=0xc2cb80, item=0xc044e0) at ht.c:2275 #11 0x36f798 in htrdfNotifFunc (ns=0xc49820, pdata=0xc2c380) at ht.c:444 #12 0x38f1d8 in assertNotify (rdf=0xc49640, not=0xc49800, u=0xc044e0, s=0xba2b40, v=0xba7c00, type=1, tv=1, ds=0xbaa6a0 "rdf:history") at mcf.c:980 #13 0x38f860 in sendNotifications (rdf=0xc49640, opType=1, u=0xc044e0, s=0xba2b40, v=0xba7c00, type=1, tv=1, ds=0xbaa6a0 "rdf:history") at mcf.c:1075 #14 0x38f714 in sendNotifications2 (r=0xba6740, opType=1, u=0xc044e0, s=0xba2b40, v=0xba7c00, type=1, tv=1) at mcf.c:1057 #15 0x39bde0 in histAddParent (child=0xc044e0, parent=0xba7c00) at hist2rdf.c:505 #16 0x39aab0 in hostUnitOfURL (r=0xba6740, top=0xba7c00, nu=0xc044e0, title=0xbf77d0 "Antipatico's Home Page") at hist2rdf.c:201 #17 0x39a4b4 in collateOneHist (r=0xba6740, u=0xba7c00, url=0xbf7740 "", title=0xbf77d0 "Antipatico's Home Page", lastAccessDate=896975968, firstAccessDate=896975968, numAccesses=1, byDateFlag=0) at hist2rdf.c:125 #18 0x39b630 in updateNewHistItem (key=0xefffc250, data=0xefffc240) at hist2rdf.c:376 #19 0x57f950 in GH_UpdateURLTitle (pUrl=0xbff800, pszTitle=0xbfc180 "Antipatico's Home Page", bFrameCell=0 '\000') at glhist.c:2211 #20 0x5a0084 in SHIST_SetTitleOfCurrentDoc (hist=0xbcc40c, title=0xbf4800 "Antipatico's Home Page") at shist.c:853 #21 0x115e0c in XFE_SetDocTitle (context=0xbcc400, title=0xbf4800 "Antipatico's Home Page") at lay.c:2079 #22 0x4323a8 in lo_process_title_tag (context=0xbcc400, state=0xc27e00, tag=0xc044a0) at laytags.c:841 #23 0x43a7b8 in lo_LayoutTag (context=0xbcc400, state=0xc27e00, tag=0xc044a0) at laytags.c:4292 #24 0x40d5b4 in LO_ProcessTag (data_object=0xc95d80, tag=0xc044a0, status=0) at layout.c:4731 #25 0x4583d8 in EDT_ProcessTag (data_object=0xc95d80, tag=0xc044a0, status=0) at editor.cpp:971 #26 0x54645c in PA_ParseBlock (stream=0xc55d20, block=0x98d400 "tle>\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-language\" CONTENT=\"en-US\">\n<LINK REV=made href=\"\">\n<META NAME=\"keywords\" C"..., block_len=900) at pa_parse.c:1434 #27 0x550cf0 in net_AutoCharCodeConv (stream=0xc55900, s=0x98d400 "tle>\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-language\" CONTENT=\"en-US\">\n<LINK REV=made href=\"\">\n<META NAME=\"keywords\" C"..., l=900) at net_junk.c:192 #28 0x2ed3ec in net_CacheWrite (stream=0xc55da0, buffer=0x98d400 "tle>\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-language\" CONTENT=\"en-US\">\n<LINK REV=made href=\"\">\n<META NAME=\"keywords\" C"..., len=900) at mkcache.c:1392 #29 0x3034c8 in net_ChunkedWrite (stream=0xc558e0, s=0xb58000 "tle>\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-language\" CONTENT=\"en-US\">\n<LINK REV=made href=\"\">\n<META NAME=\"keywords\" C"..., l=900) at cvchunk.c:124 #30 0x358f0c in net_pull_http_data (ce=0xc2c100) at mkhttp.c:3108 #31 0x359d60 in net_ProcessHTTP (ce=0xc2c100) at mkhttp.c:3497 #32 0x31632c in NET_ProcessNet (ready_fd=0xc49360, fd_type=2) at mkgeturl.c:3172 #33 0x322c20 in net_process_net_timer_callback (closure=0x0) at mkselect.c:189 #34 0x1455c0 in fe_do_timeout (p=0xc44940, id=0xefffd93c) at xfe.c:2923 #35 0xef5bec2c in XtAppProcessEvent () #36 0x11eb10 in fe_EventLoop () at mozilla.c:1072 #37 0x123af8 in main (argc=1, argv=0xeffffa9c) at mozilla.c:3344 Updated by Steve Lamm ( on Wednesday, June 17, 1998 1:31:30 PM PDT Additional Details : I have a fix for this. I will check it in as soon as I get approval. Updated by Steve Lamm ( on Wednesday, June 17, 1998 2:38:37 PM PDT Additional Details : Ok, the fix is checked in.
Component: XFE
mid-air collision ? / bugzilla cleanup Reopening (current State: resolved and no resolution)
marking fixed
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
VERIFIED due to no changes in over a year
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