Bug 7533
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
{compat} Content-Type HTTP Header specifies charset
(Core :: Networking, defect, P3)
(Reporter: michaell, Assigned: gagan)
I don't really know how to call this problem:
Go to the Merrriam Webster dictionary site above. Enter a word in their dictionary lookup text box and click search. I saw their sidebar image disappear and be replaced by several bullets, and that's all that happened. I seem to lose all interactivity with the page.
Apprunner tells me that was loaded successfully, but I see no definition for the word I was looking for.
Updated•26 years ago
Component: Apprunner → Parser
Comment 1•26 years ago
on win95, using build 1999060208, I went to the main page, typed in the word
'help' and selected search. The resulting search page did not paint correctly.
It rendered as if I was using Paint Shop Pro and selected to do a screen grab.
It works fine in 4.x. Looking at the content of the resulting page does show
some odd coding practices:
1. they have a base element tag above the doctype statement
2. they code their comments oddly, for example:
they are missing the needed space after the -- and before the ending --
Nisheeth -- Can you please take a look at this and try to narrow down the
problem? Thanks.
Updated•26 years ago
Comment 3•26 years ago
OK, I've reduced the page to the following:
<title>Welcome to Merriam-Webster</title>
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="book" value="Dictionary">
<p>WWWebster Dictionary:
<input name="va" size="15">
<input type="submit" value="Search"> </p>
All that is happening here is a simple form POST. I'm ccing Eric Pollmann to
see if he knows more about this. I'll investigate a more tomorrow.
Comment 4•26 years ago
This does not seem to be related to either a) posting this form correctly or b)
loading the response page. The bug is possibly a combination of these and other
Posting this form seems to work, as long as not to this URL:
http://blueviper/forms/postecho.html - shows the post works as it should
http://blueviper/forms/postbv.html - spits back the same content
Using a GET to send the form works, even to the same URL:
http://blueviper/forms/getmw.html - submits and receives a page from
The only case where I see failure is the mentioned case:
http://blueviper/forms/postmw.html - failure case
Comment 5•26 years ago
Ah, the problem appears to be in the web site's implementation of their service,
and not a browser problem.
I traced the network traffic and noticed this:
IE 5.0 posts this:
POST /cgi-bin/dictionary HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
application/, application/msword, application/, */*
Referer: http://blueviper/forms/postgrab.html
Accept-Language: en-us
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
Content-Length: 23
Connection: Keep-Alive
The web server responds with the page in it's entireity.
We post this:
POST /cgi-bin/dictionary HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 [en] (Win95; I)
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: text/html, text/xml, image/png, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
image/pjpeg, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Length: 23
The web server responds with a null page.
I'd say this is Mirriam Websters bug and not ours...
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee: nisheeth → pollmann
Updated•26 years ago
Comment 6•26 years ago
I've contacted Merriam Webster to let them know about this.
I'm grabbing this bug and will mark it fixed when/if I hear back from them.
Comment 7•26 years ago
I just heard back from Gerry Wick at Merriam Webster! He says that the
User-Agent is not checked in the dictionary CGI. So if it's not that, it must
be something else. :)
After some more debugging, I've narrowed it down to the content-type line:
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=ISO-8859-1
If I remove the charset information from the line to make it look like IE 5.0's,
everything is peachy:
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Is our content-type syntax correct?
No: We should fix our content-type syntax!
Yes: The ball is in Merriam Webster's court, but there may be more sites
that are broken too.
From what I read of the HTTP spec, our content-type syntax looks fine. But I'm
no expert here. Anyone know for sure?
Our content-type is just fine. As you mentioned (in your email) its very likely
that the apache module that is checking for the content-type is doing an "equal"
instead of "starts with" comparison which throws it off on our content-type
Updated•26 years ago
Summary: Odd site behavior → Merriam Webster and Content-Type HTTP Header
Updated•26 years ago
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Comment 9•26 years ago
I'm marking this bug 'invalid'. If anyone feels it needs further attention,
please feel free to grab it and reopen it!
Updated•26 years ago
Comment 10•26 years ago
*** Bug 10112 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11•26 years ago
This is also causing problems with submission to a Coldfusion web app. See bug
10112 for details.
Comment 12•26 years ago
I'm going to report this to Allaire regarding their ColdFusion product.
Comment 13•25 years ago
*** Bug 11447 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated•25 years ago
Component: Parser → Networking-Core
OS: Windows 95 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: Merriam Webster and Content-Type HTTP Header → Content-Type HTTP Header specifies charset
Comment 14•25 years ago
From bug 11447
+ ---- Additional Comments From 08/11/99 07:53 ----
+ I think this is REALLY dangerous. !! The pages work fine in IE 5!!! Secondly,
+ if anyone were to attempt to use Mozilla in an corporate enviroment that used
+ Front Page (this is relatively common) for authoring, it posts that content
+ type every time. I'll agree that this is very nice an theoretically correct
+ and all of that. But no one will use a browser that says "sorry tell the
+ author to change their page to work with this browser". So obvioulsy if the
+ goal is to have actual end-users of this software then this is something that
+ will have to be changed. Consider, Microsoft is going to say "here's a
+ browser that runs all your existing pages and does this gee-wiz" and
+ Netscape/Mozilla are going to say "fix your web pages so they'll work with out
+ browser". What do you think Joe blow-customer will choose? Think about your
+ customer.
It would be nice to get a feel for the number of web pages we're breaking by
changing our Content-Type header. Does anyone in the networking group want this
Comment 15•25 years ago
Add Yahoo's webmail to this. I suggest the web tools be evaluated as well. I
know Front Page is big on using the content type you describe. If I recall
correctly there are some instances when using ASP where you HAVE to put that
charset type.
Comment 16•25 years ago
Would it be a solution to add a preference option? A checkbox that says:
Use Standard HTTP1.1 (may not work witl all web pages)
Or somethign like that, so that the user can make the final choice.
The problem is that it'd have to default to off for the average user, otherwise
they will just click on something, It won't work, and they will assume it's
Mozilla that's broken.
The average user doesn't seem to care about standards compliancy anyway as long
as it works *sigh*.
PS any site using ColdFusion for their dynamic web pages doesn't work with
Mozilla at the moment (I recieved no responce from Allaire)
Updated•25 years ago
Comment 17•25 years ago
This idea has some potential. Since I am not working on the networking code,
I'm reopening and assigning this to warren.
Updated•25 years ago
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Target Milestone: M7
Updated•25 years ago
Assignee: pollmann → warren
Comment 18•25 years ago
*** Bug 12041 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated•25 years ago
Assignee: warren → gagan
Comment 19•25 years ago
dup? ->gagan
Assignee | ||
Comment 20•25 years ago
Its a dupe alright.
Comment 21•25 years ago
*** Bug 12625 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 22•25 years ago
*** Bug 12625 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 23•25 years ago
*** Bug 13134 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 24•25 years ago
*** Bug 14261 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 25•25 years ago
Shouldn't this bug be M12-13? (a beta-blocker) Even if we get Allaire to
release a ColdFusion patch to fix this, many sites running ColdFusion will not
install a patch, and it breaks some very important sites.
Comment 26•25 years ago
This breaks more than Cold-fusion pages.
Updated•25 years ago
Summary: Content-Type HTTP Header specifies charset → {compat} Content-Type HTTP Header specifies charset
Comment 27•25 years ago
I agree that sending 'charset' should be a pref option, defaulted to off.
This is from HTTP 1.1 (, section 3.7:
Note that some older HTTP applications do not recognize media type
parameters. When sending data to older HTTP applications,
implementations SHOULD only use media type parameters when they are
required by that type/subtype definition.
So we would not actually be breaking standards compliance by making this
optional. In any case, "compatability mode" switches are already being used
over in Layout, so I don't think that it would be controversial...
Comment 28•25 years ago
*** Bug 15180 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 29•25 years ago
I also think that a preferences option (default off) would be a good idea,
incidently here's some more stuff that seems to get confused by this:
Hotmail (whatever they're using)
Sun Java Web Server
Java Servlet and JSP developers kit - I've reported this to Sun
Servlets on Apache + Apache JServ
Comment 30•25 years ago
*** Bug 16642 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 31•25 years ago
*** Bug 15745 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 32•25 years ago
*** Bug 10300 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Closed: 26 years ago → 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 33•25 years ago
I have switched this to "off" we still may have to switch it on based on a pref.
But the default is now off. I have filed a separate bug 18431 for turning that
on from a pref.
Comment 34•25 years ago
First of all, I'd like to thank whoever added me to the Cc list. I'm not that
surprised that there are a lot of server-side pieces of software that have this
problem. But it's interesting to see how many bugs have been declared a dup of
this one.
Secondly, I should note here that MSIE has chosen to indicate the charset info
inside the form submission itself, using a special field called "_charset_"
(includes the underscores). We may want to add support for that in Mozilla,
since I think it's clear that we can't do it the way the spec says, due to all
the broken server-side software out there. I've logged a separate bug for that:
Finally, I'd say that this shouldn't even be a pref. Just remove the code that
adds the charset to the Content-Type line. The cat's out of the bag. There will
probably never be a time when we can introduce the charset param on the
Content-Type header. There is too much broken software out there, and it would
be difficult to get rid of it. Take the path of least resistance, and follow
MSIE's footsteps (the _charset_ field).
Updated•25 years ago
Comment 35•25 years ago
The problem with IE's hack is that it clashes with form fields which
already have the name "_charset_".
See further comments in bug 18431.
Comment 36•25 years ago
I suspect that there are far fewer sites that use the odd form field name
"_charset_" than sites that choke on a charset parameter in the Content-Type
header. It should therefore be easier to get people to stop using _charset_
for their own private use. As far as I know, MSIE5 has been sending out the
_charset_ field for a while now. If there were any sites at all that happened
to be using _charset_ for their own purposes, they've probably stopped doing
that by now.
Comment 37•25 years ago
*** Bug 18967 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 38•25 years ago
*** Bug 19602 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 39•25 years ago
*** Bug 19336 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 40•25 years ago
*** Bug 20293 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 41•25 years ago
Bulk move of all Networking-Core (to be deleted component) bugs to new
Networking component.
Comment 42•25 years ago
*** Bug 22202 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 43•25 years ago
*** Bug 16096 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 44•18 years ago
Bug 289060 talks about the same problem on a "per form field" granularity level
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