Closed Bug 8414 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[PP]crash when attempting to close wallet dialog


(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5





(Reporter: cyrus, Assigned: morse)




When trying to commit changes to a bugzilla bug, the wallet dialog box ups. Attempting to send it away causes mozilla to drop into macsbug: PowerPC unmapped memory exception at 17478CB8 Address 17478CB8 is in VM file-mapped logical memory space The address is in a CFM fragment “NETLIB_DLL” [non-write exec] It is 00065CB8 bytes from the start of the fragment PowerPC 740/750 Registers CR0 CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 PC = 17478CB8 CR 1000 1010 0000 0000 0000 1000 0100 0100 LR = 1745342C <>=O XEVO CTR = FFD79AC8 MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count Int = 0 XER 000 00 1C R0 = 17453414 R8 = 00000001 R16 = 000001F4 R24 = 00000000 SP = 05F2C870 R9 = 055759F0 R17 = 07E72538 R25 = 05F2C974 TOC = 055892D0 R10 = 00730073 R18 = 07E72538 R26 = 05F2C9B0 R3 = 00000000 R11 = 005F0062 R19 = 07E72538 R27 = 05F2D0EC R4 = 05F2C8CC R12 = 2413B499 R20 = 07E72538 R28 = 160928C6 R5 = 00000000 R13 = 00000000 R21 = 00000000 R29 = 00000001 R6 = 00000000 R14 = 00000000 R22 = 0000000D R30 = 17481898 R7 = 00000000 R15 = 05F2D6A8 R23 = 0476FB4C R31 = 0610A470 Disassembling PowerPC code from 17478C90 No procedure name 17478C90 lwz r0,0x0000(r12) | 800C0000 17478C94 lwz RTOC,0x0004(r12) | 804C0004 17478C98 mtctr r0 ; CTR = 0x0009 | 7C0903A6 17478C9C bctr | 4E800420 17478CA0 lwz r12,-0x7DD0(RTOC) | 81828230 17478CA4 stw RTOC,0x0014(SP) | 90410014 17478CA8 lwz r0,0x0000(r12) | 800C0000 17478CAC lwz RTOC,0x0004(r12) | 804C0004 17478CB0 mtctr r0 ; CTR = 0x0009 | 7C0903A6 17478CB4 bctr | 4E800420 17478CB8 *lwz r0,0x0000(r12) | 800C0000 17478CBC stw RTOC,0x0014(SP) | 90410014 17478CC0 mtctr r0 ; CTR = 0x0009 | 7C0903A6 17478CC4 lwz RTOC,0x0004(r12) | 804C0004 17478CC8 bctr | 4E800420 17478CCC rlwimi. r9,r27,0x0F,0x09,0x12 | 53697A65 17478CD0 subfic r3,r7,0x6F69 | 20676F69 17478CD4 xoris r7,r19,0x2069 | 6E672069 17478CD8 xoris r0,r17,0x6973 | 6E206973 Calling chain using A6/R1 links Back chain ISA Caller 00000000 PPC 189CAC54 05F2D7C0 PPC 189C95A8 main+00DA0 05F2D5B0 PPC 18486F7C nsAppShellService::Run()+00020 05F2D570 PPC 178469F0 nsAppShell::Run()+00050 05F2D4F0 PPC 17847500 nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+00044 05F2D4A0 PPC 17847718 nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int, EventRecord*)+ 00098 05F2D450 PPC 17847FD8 nsMacMessagePump::DoMouseUp(EventRecord&)+00050 05F2D400 PPC 178484A8 nsMacMessagePump::DispatchOSEventToRaptor(EventRecord&, GrafPort *)+0004C 05F2D3B0 PPC 17841D04 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchOSEvent(EventRecord&, GrafPort*)+00048 05F2D370 PPC 1783B940 nsMacWindow::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord&)+0004C 05F2D310 PPC 1783BF30 nsMacEventHandler::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord&)+000D0 05F2D2C0 PPC 1783D900 nsMacEventHandler::HandleMouseUpEvent(EventRecord&)+ 000D0 05F2D240 PPC 1783F12C nsMacControl::DispatchMouseEvent(nsMouseEvent&)+00158 05F2D1F0 PPC 1782945C nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(nsMouseEvent&)+00060 05F2D190 PPC 1782939C nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent&)+00028 05F2D150 PPC 178292A4 nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+ 000A8 05F2D100 PPC 13C09078 HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*)+00064 05F2D0B0 PPC 13C061B4 nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+00834 05F2CEF0 PPC 13C0B004 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&, i nt&)+00160 05F2CE70 PPC 13C0B004 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&, i nt&)+00160 05F2CDF0 PPC 13C0B004 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&, i nt&)+00160 05F2CD70 PPC 13C0B004 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&, i nt&)+00160 05F2CCF0 PPC 13C0B094 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&, i nt&)+001F0 05F2CC70 PPC 15DBD850 PresShell::HandleEvent(nsIView*, nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+00 41C 05F2CBE0 PPC 15FC4830 nsButtonControlFrame::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext&, nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+00068 05F2CB90 PPC 15FC2174 nsFormControlFrame::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext&, nsGUIEvent*, ns EventStatus&)+00174 05F2CB30 PPC 15FC3E24 nsButtonControlFrame::MouseClicked(nsIPresContext*)+ 00168 05F2CAC0 PPC 15FBD24C nsFormFrame::OnSubmit(nsIPresContext*, nsIFrame*)+ 002CC Return addresses on the stack Stack Addr Frame Addr ISA Caller 05F2D976 68K 0024DF5E 'scod BFAF 0002'+1288E 05F2D972 68K 0080CD7A 05F2D96A 68K 0080CD7A 05F2D94E 05F2D94A 68K 0080CCD6 05F2D946 05F2D942 68K 006003CE InitAppGuts+0001C 05F2D938 PPC 0862FFFC 05F2D932 68K 0024DE72 'scod BFAF 0002'+127A2 05F2D908 PPC 002AE0EC EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014 05F2D8F8 68K 0035722E 05F2D8F4 68K 086305F0 05F2D8EA 05F2D8E6 68K 0080DAD8 05F2D8CE 68K 0080D8E0 05F2D8C8 05F2D8C0 PPC 18B0B590 NQDSetPort+00034 05F2D8AA 05F2D8A6 68K FFC416A2 _DateToSeconds+008FA 05F2D898 68K 0080CD7A 05F2D88A 68K FFC4251A _DateToSeconds+01772 05F2D87C 68K 0024DF5E 'scod BFAF 0002'+1288E 05F2D872 05F2D86E 68K 0024119E 'scod BFAF 0002'+05ACE 05F2D864 05F2D860 68K 00241194 'scod BFAF 0002'+05AC4 05F2D84A 05F2D846 68K 00241170 'scod BFAF 0002'+05AA0 05F2D826 05F2D822 68K 0080E2C8 05F2D80E 68K 0000007E 05F2D808 PPC 002AE0EC EmToNatEndMoveParams+00014 05F2D7C8 PPC 189CAC54 05F2D7A4 68K 0024119E 'scod BFAF 0002'+05ACE 05F2D778 05F2D770 PPC FFD67364 NewPtr+00028 05F2D738 05F2D730 PPC 00622DCC 05F2D718 05F2D714 68K 0080DFE8 05F2D6F8 PPC 18BA08FC __NewPtr+0001C 05F2D638 05F2D630 PPC 002E3144 GetIndSymbol+00FD8 05F2D5B8 05F2D5B0 PPC 189C95A8 main+00DA0 05F2D578 05F2D570 PPC 18486F7C nsAppShellService::Run()+00020 05F2D538 05F2D530 PPC 1744DDD8 nsHttpUrlImpl::~nsHttpUrlImpl()+00184 05F2D528 05F2D520 PPC 1848E924 nsWebShellWindow::Show(int)+0003C 05F2D4F8 05F2D4F0 PPC 178469F0 nsAppShell::Run()+00050 05F2D4B8 05F2D4B0 PPC 1745D6F8 nsLoadAttribs::Release()+00070 05F2D4A8 05F2D4A0 PPC 17847500 nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+00044 05F2D458 05F2D450 PPC 17847718 nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int, EventRecord*)+ 00098 05F2D408 05F2D400 PPC 17847FD8 nsMacMessagePump::DoMouseUp(EventRecord& )+00050 05F2D3C8 05F2D3C0 PPC FFD75F48 FindWindow+00020 05F2D3B8 05F2D3B0 PPC 178484A8 nsMacMessagePump::DispatchOSEventToRaptor(EventReco rd&, GrafPort*)+0004C 05F2D378 05F2D370 PPC 17841D04 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchOSEvent(EventRecord&, Gra fPort*)+00048 05F2D358 05F2D350 PPC 17843E88 nsMacMessageSink::IsRaptorWindow(GrafPort*)+0005C 05F2D318 05F2D310 PPC 1783B940 nsMacWindow::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord& )+0004C 05F2D2C8 05F2D2C0 PPC 1783BF30 nsMacEventHandler::HandleOSEvent(EventRecord&)+000D 0 05F2D268 05F2D260 PPC FFD6C5C0 GetPort+0001C 05F2D258 05F2D250 PPC 18D0541C GetWindowProcess+00028 05F2D248 05F2D240 PPC 1783D900 nsMacEventHandler::HandleMouseUpEvent(EventRecord&) +000D0 05F2D208 05F2D200 PPC 17848F14 nsDeleteObserved::RemoveDeleteObserver(nsDeleteObse rver*)+0002C 05F2D1F8 68K 1783F12E nsMacControl::DispatchMouseEvent(nsMouseEvent&)+001 5A 05F2D1B8 05F2D1B0 PPC 17828134 nsWindow::Invalidate(int)+00024 05F2D198 05F2D190 PPC 1782945C nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(nsMouseEvent&)+00060 05F2D168 05F2D160 PPC 168AC28C nsVoidArray::RemoveElementAt(int)+00068 05F2D158 05F2D150 PPC 1782939C nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent&)+00028 05F2D108 05F2D100 PPC 178292A4 nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus& )+000A8 05F2D0C8 05F2D0C0 PPC 18B0B590 NQDSetPort+00034 05F2D0B8 05F2D0B0 PPC 13C09078 HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*)+00064 05F2D028 05F2D020 PPC 18D1521C ValidWindowRgn+007EC 05F2CFB8 05F2CFB0 PPC 18D09F44 DoubleClickWindowTitle+00A8C 05F2CFA8 05F2CFA0 PPC 18B0CDC8 NQDSetEmptyRgn+00048 05F2CF78 05F2CF70 PPC FFD6D2F8 UnionRgn+00024 05F2CF68 05F2CF60 PPC FFD6D1D0 SetRectRgn+00038 05F2CEF8 05F2CEF0 PPC 13C061B4 nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent* , nsEventSt atus&)+00834 05F2CE78 05F2CE70 PPC 13C0B004 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEv entStatus&, int&)+00160 05F2CE48 PPC 18D27364 IsHotKeyEnabled+0073C 05F2CE34 68K 0000350A 05F2CE18 05F2CE10 PPC FFD6F31C TextMode+00018 05F2CE08 05F2CE00 PPC 18CBE3A0 SafeBackPat+00078 05F2CDF8 05F2CDF0 PPC 13C0B004 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEv entStatus&, int&)+00160 05F2CDC8 PPC FFD6789C SetZone+00028 05F2CDB4 68K 0000350A 05F2CD98 05F2CD90 PPC 18D04C44 RecalculateAllWindowTitleWidths+00154 05F2CD88 05F2CD80 PPC 18B09280 NQDBackPat+00020 05F2CD78 05F2CD70 PPC 13C0B004 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEv entStatus&, int&)+00160 05F2CD48 PPC FFD6CA00 PenPat+0001C 05F2CD3A PPC 01DFFFFC 05F2CD08 05F2CD00 PPC 18B0B3FC NQDPenPat+00020 05F2CCF8 05F2CCF0 PPC 13C0B004 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEv entStatus&, int&)+00160 05F2CCC8 PPC 18B0C234 NQDDisposeRgn+00014 05F2CCA8 05F2CCA0 PPC 18B0F8D4 NQDInvertArc+00054 05F2CC9C 68K 006461DE 05F2CC98 05F2CC90 PPC 18D7DFDC GetThemePlaylist+16438 05F2CC88 05F2CC80 PPC FFD67C18 DisposeHandle+00028 05F2CC78 05F2CC70 PPC 13C0B094 nsView::HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent*, unsigned int, nsEv entStatus&, int&)+001F0 05F2CBEC 68K 006461DE 05F2CBE8 05F2CBE0 PPC 15DBD850 PresShell::HandleEvent(nsIView*, nsGUIEvent*, nsEve ntStatus&)+0041C 05F2CB98 05F2CB90 PPC 15FC4830 nsButtonControlFrame::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext&, nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+00068 05F2CB38 05F2CB30 PPC 15FC2174 nsFormControlFrame::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext&, ns GUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+00174 05F2CAFC PPC 01F2CB78 05F2CAC8 05F2CAC0 PPC 15FC3E24 nsButtonControlFrame::MouseClicked(nsIPresContext*) +00168 05F2CA82 PPC 03FFFFFC 05F2C9E8 05F2C9E0 PPC 15E99C34 nsHTMLBodyElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext&, nsEvent*, nsIDOMEvent**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&)+00040 05F2C968 05F2C960 PPC 175DAB6C nsWebShell::GetScriptGlobalObject(nsIScriptGlobalOb ject**)+00080 05F2C958 05F2C950 PPC 167CAE38 GlobalWindowImpl::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext&, n sEvent*, nsIDOMEvent**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&)+00074 05F2C948 05F2C940 PPC 15ED7A34 nsHTMLHtmlElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext&, nsEvent*, nsIDOMEvent**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus&)+00058 05F2C908 05F2C900 PPC 15FBD24C nsFormFrame::OnSubmit(nsIPresContext*, nsIFrame*)+0 02CC 05F2C8C8 05F2C8C0 PPC 168A90E4 nsAutoString::nsAutoString(eCharSize)+ 00054 05F2C8C0 05F2C8BC 68K 05F2C8FE 05F2C8B0 68K 05F2C8FE 05F2C878 05F2C870 PPC 17453410 NS_MakeAbsoluteURL(nsIURL*, const nsString&, const nsString&, nsString&)+0007C 05F2C870 68K 05F2C8FE The System heap at 00002800 is ok Totaling the System heap at 00002800 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 006A #106 00242F40 #2371392 Nonrelocatable 0D4D #3405 00567EEC #5668588 Relocatable 0C53 #3155 006CB080 #7123072 Locked 026E #622 003B25B0 #3876272 Purgeable and not locked 01C8 #456 002570C0 #2453696 Heap size 1A0A #6666 00E75EAC #15163052 The target heap is the “apprunnerDebug” heap at 0554F280 The “apprunnerDebug” heap at 0554F280 is ok Totaling the “apprunnerDebug” heap at 0554F280 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 00B2 #178 00085EA0 #548512 Nonrelocatable 00DD #221 0078643C #7889980 Relocatable 03BE #958 001863E0 #1598432 Locked 0005 #5 001601E0 #1442272 Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0 Heap size 054D #1357 009926BC #10036924 Displaying resource information: > Map $0558EF8C, flags $0000, file $53BA = widgetDebug.shlb Map $0554F408, flags $0000, file $36B8 = apprunnerDebug Closing log
Assignee: rickg → morse
One for you.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
I don't have a mac to test this on, but it looks very much like a duplicate of 8383. So I'm marking it as such. That bug was fixed yesterday. If I'm wrong and the error re-occurs in today's builds, please reopen this report as not being a duplicate. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 8383 ***
Agreed. This is a duplicate of 8383.
Summary: crash when attempting to close wallet dialog → [PP]crash when attempting to close wallet dialog
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