Closed Bug 809675 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Trusty UI raises SSL error


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jedp, Assigned: jedp)



(2 obsolete files)

I'm seeing this error when I access a site via https with the Trusty UI:

[Child 15528] ###!!! ASSERTION: nsSSLStatus has null mServerCert or was called in the content process: 'Error', file /home/jed/code/b2g-src/mi/security/manager/ssl/src/nsIdentityChecking.cpp, line 1119

The url I'm trying is:
:ferjm suspects this may be an OOP issue and is doing some tests to confirm
To isolate this bug - can you reproduce this with the identity trusty UI disabled? Is this logcat only? What's the negative behavior from an end-user when this happens?
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #2)
> To isolate this bug - can you reproduce this with the identity trusty UI
> disabled? Is this logcat only? What's the negative behavior from an end-user
> when this happens?

It appears isolated to the Trusty UI, and it's only begun happening today.  The negative behavior is a white screen that the user can't interact with.

Working on it now with Zach and Fernando.  Think we're close to identifying the root cause.
Component: Identity → Gaia
Product: Core → Boot2Gecko
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Thanks to Zach's PR, things appear to be working correctly.  We still get the frightening SSL errors.

:bsmith, can you help confirm whether the "nsSSLStatus has null mServerCert" errors are ignorable?

Thanks, everyone,
Pointer to Github pull-request
Attachment #679487 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Pointer to Github pull-request
Attachment #679495 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Component: Gaia → Gaia::System
(In reply to Jed Parsons [:jparsons] from comment #5)
> Thanks to Zach's PR, things appear to be working correctly.  We still get
> the frightening SSL errors.
> :bsmith, can you help confirm whether the "nsSSLStatus has null mServerCert"
> errors are ignorable?

Just don't use the isExtendedValidation property, and the error will go away. We already decided we're not going to support the EV UI for v1, for reasons much related to this.
Blocks: TrustedUI
No longer blocks: basecamp-id
Ok considering this was a red herring, I'm marking the bug as invalid.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
No longer blocks: TrustedUI
Removing nom since this bug is invalid now.
blocking-basecamp: + → ---
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