Closed Bug 831061 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

customer receives a purchase confirmation for app


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Payments/Refunds, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cgalimidi, Assigned: andy+bugzilla)



(Whiteboard: u=patron c=pmt p=2)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #825368 +++

Depends on 795143

As a User I want to receive a purchase confirmation when I purchase an app in the Marketplace so that I have a record of the transaction,  and if I request a refund I am able to identify my transaction and purchase amount.

Kumar McMillan [:kumar] 2012-12-31 13:38:50 PST

This doesn't have any dependencies; it's ready to be worked on. The Marketplace gets a postback here which is the point at which it can email a receipt:
Summary: [story] customer receives a purchase confirmation for app → customer receives a purchase confirmation for app
Blocks: 825368
No longer depends on: 825368
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-01-24
Assignee: nobody → amckay
Does anyone have some good text for what we'd in an email to the purhcaser?
Flags: needinfo?(dbialer)
How about:

Thank you for purchasing {{ app_name }} from the Firefox Marketplace on [date].

For support on your app purchase please visit the Firefox Marketplace at:

{{ receipt_url }}

Question - What information is contained in the receipt_url?  I assume info at receipt_url contains a transaction id? that would be needed for a refund or to identify the transaction.  If not, we would need to give them a transaction id and date).  Can we give an amount that they paid (it sounds like we can't).  Also can we give the developer support site/contact information - if not in the receipt_url?
Flags: needinfo?(dbialer)
Will add in developer support site.
Will add in transaction id as well.

The receipt_url points to a page that's intended to kick off a support or refund flow, or at least it used to. Looks a little more minimalist these days.

Would like to localise it when bug 833049 is done.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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